Jane Wear, Randy Polston and Chris Mahan. Happy Birthday!
Check Presentation:
- None
Brooke Hamstra conducted:
1st Reading: Jason Patton, sponsored by Jeff Owens
2nd Reading: None
3rd Reading: None
Induction: None
Oratorical Contest “What The World Gains From Optimism” Winners – Jacob Kissling (8th grade, Edgewood Middle School) and Janae Hostetler (Junior, Wawasee High School)
Warsaw Community High School’s Tiger Boys Basketball Team with Coach Doug Ogle Winners of the Northern Lakes Conference, ending the season with a 18-10 record
Committee Reports/Announcements:
- John Elliott – Hosting Honor Flight Veteran Carl Snyder (WWII) on April 24 and looking for thank you letters to Mr. Snyder for mail call. Pick up at front table to see John. Goal is to get 100 letters
- Trace Hansen – Optimist Elections coming up in April. See Trace if interested in President, Vice President of Board Member positions. Also, the Spring Break Skate is coming up the first full week in April.
- Jennifer Lucht – The car shoe postcards have been sent out, assignments are going out next week.
- Alan Lucht – Quiz Bowl is next Tuesday, March 21, we are in need of trophy sponsors and proctors
CEO Report:
- None
50/50: Bill Katip
Sergeants-at-arms: Jim Smith, Juergen Voss, and Travis McConnell entertained us.
- Thank You Guests & Members.
- Clean your tables.
- Like our Facebook page and share Optimist events!
“A pessimist is one who makes difficulties of his opportunities and an optimist is one who makes opportunities of his difficulties.” – Harry S. Truman (used in Jacob’s speech)