Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Attendance: 91

Greeters: Everett Nifong, Bob Bishop


Invocation: Ivan Schuler

Guests (Hosts): Joe Helvey, Jennifer Kussmal, Loren Maierle (Daren Maierle), Chuck Yeager (Dr. David Haines), Glenn Hall (Brittany Petersen), Bill Lawrence (Rob Edling), Dan Smith (Jeff Owens), WCHS Students of the Week (recognized below)

Membership: Joey Hickerson conducting

1st Reading: Bill Lawrence (Sponsored by Rob Edling)

2nd Reading: Glenn Hall (Sponsored by Britany Petersen)

Birthdays: Jane Wear


The Warsaw Breakfast Optimist Club – City of Lakes Car Show is Sunday, May 20th in Downtown Warsaw. Alan and Jenny Lucht need volunteers to help with the event. Sign up sheets will be available at meetings. Also, event sponsorship forms were also distributed. Fliers and business cards are also available for those willing to help publicize the event. Please contact Jenny or Alan if you have any questions or would like to volunteer.

Club Visitation: Rob Chambers announced the next club visitation will be a trip to Rochester on April 2nd. It is a morning meeting. Those wanting to participate should plan on leaving the Marsh parking lot at 6:15 a.m.

George Brennan invited everyone to come out and support the Community Quiz Bowl March 20 at Warsaw Community High School from 7-9 pm. This supports the Warsaw Education Foundation. 

WCHS Students of the Week

Students of the Week:  Warsaw Community High School Students of the Week and their parents recognized were:

Will Allen (Mark & Missy Allen)
Anadely Climaco (Martin & Ana Climaco)
Kristen Coates (Dana & Karen Coates)
Joshua Fisher (Mike & Judy Fisher)
Thad Harges (Steve & Wendy Harges)
Nicolas Luna (Jose & Adriana Luna)
Hawkins Ragland (Robert & Celeste Ragland)
Matt Watson (Bill & Marianne Watson)


Pres. Steve Hollar with Kent Benson, Former NBA Player

Program:  President Steve Hollar introduced Kent Benson, retired NBA player, former 2 time NCAA All-American playing for Indiana University, and 1973 Mr. Basketball playing for New Castle High School. Kent shared his experiences of developing his athletic skills, character and faith with the influences of coaches and mentor he has had through his life. He shared that his faith in Jesus helped drive his excellence as he does everything with him as his only audience. Kent also shared the 6 D’s of excellence he learned from his sixth-grade teacher and mentor: Desire, Determination, Dedication, Discipline, Direction, and Decision. He left us with one of his favorite sayings, “Losers focus on what they are going through. Champions focus on what they are going to.”

Next Week’s Program: State of the City:  Mayor Dr. Joe Thallemer

Editor’s Note: I apologize but the 50/50 drawing happened so fast I was unable to hear the amount or who won. Also, if anyone has any announcements they want to ensure make it into the Optibullette, please email me at