Wednesday, March 12, 2014

 Future Dates   

3/13 & 14 Thur. & Fri. Riley Radio Days fundraiser

3/14 Fri. BYC Madness

3/18 Tues. Penguin Point Big Wally Eating Contest @ N Detroit St

3/18 Tues. Warsaw Education Foundation Quiz Bowl

3/19 Wed. Oratorical Contest Winners

3/19 Wed. Boys Basketball / Doug Ogle

3/21 Fri. Grace Wind Ensemble / Martin Becker / Rodeheaver

3/22 Sat. Bowling for Kids / Big Brothers Big Sisters @ The Bowling Alley

3/25 Tues.  Eva Kor, Surviving the Holocaust / Manahan Orthopaedic Capital Center

3/26 Wed. Vote on new dues.

3/26 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Chief Academic Officer David Hoffert

3/27 Thurs. Business After Hours at Warsaw High School Performing Arts Center (PAC)

4/2 Wed. English Learner Tutoring – Phil Call

4/9 Wed. Big Brother Big Sister – Trina Hoy

4/16 Wed. WPD DARE / Corporal Doug Light & Ptl Officer Jeff Tickner

4/23 Wed. Nate Bosch / Center for Lakes & Streams

4/30 Wed. Josh Wildman CEO of Wildman Business Group

5/7 Wed. Splash Pad / Erin Porter

5/14 Wed. Sheriff’s Office / Aaron Rovenstine

5/18 Sun. City of Lakes Cruise-In

5/21 Wed. Optimist Singers / Memorial Day

5/28 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools / Dr. Craig Hintz

6/4 Wed. FWA Airport Authority – Jessica Miller

6/16 Mon. Boomerang Backpack Golf Outing

6/19 Thur. Optimist Golf Outing

6/25 Wed. Registration Packets for Triathlon

6/28 Sat. Triathlon

7/2 Wed. Rebecca Bazzoni / Jacobs Ladder

7/9 Wed. Christon Clark / Habitat for Humanity

7/23 Wed. Warsaw Area Career Center / Ronna Kawsky

7/23 Wed. Cheerleaders

8/1 Fri. Penguin Point and Optimist Big Wheel Race

8/6 Wed. Boys Soccer

8/8 & 9 Fri. & Sat. Indiana North District Convention at Warsaw

9/10 Wed. WCHS Athletics / Dave Anson


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

President Everett Nifong led our meeting.


40 Optimists & 4 guests attended our meeting.  Mickey Smethers was the guest of Don Kenipe, Mike Bergen was the guest of Rick Kerlin, Trevor Hampton and Ronald Hampton were the guests of Tracy Horrell.   

Door Greeters:  Past President Max Mock.

Prayer:  John Teevan led us in prayer.

Pledge was given to the American flag. 

Promise yourself was said in unison. 

Gina Voelz led us in singing Hail to Optimism.

Birthday Honorees:  Mickey Smethers.  Dr. David Haines led us in the birthday song with good results.    


            >>>> INFORMATION

Prayer Requests:

Larry Bishop’s recovery from his 2nd ankle surgery.  He will be working on his recovery for awhile.


Membership:  President Everett Nifong read Brenda Hiner’s, Adam Heckaman’s, Rusty Meier’s, Tammy Meier’s, Ralph Turner’s, Ricardo Scarlett’s, & Mickey Smethers’ applications.  Brenda, AdamRusty, TammyRalphRicardo, & Mickey are sponsored by Jim BrickerArt GakstatterDavid MeierMitch GoonGreg Binkerd, & Don Kenipe


President Everett Nifong reported we will vote on March 26 to raise our dues to $85 per quarter.  This will be effective the 3rd quarter of our fiscal year.  Our by-laws say our dues and the money we pay from our membership needs to cover the costs of our membership.  This enables us to use all the money we raise for the kid’s programs we support.  Our costs have risen over time.  Our new dues will be lower than similar clubs in our area.  Rotarians pay $125 per quarter, Noon Optimists pay $115 per quarter, and Kiwanians pay $109 per quarter.  We have Cadillac type fun at Studebaker type dues.


Past President Jeff Owens thanked those who worked our Oratorical Contest. Past President John Elliott reported we had 5 great contestants.  The 2 winners will be our program next week.  Thanks to prize sponsors:  Esther Pfleiderer Charitable Trust at 1st Source Bank and Lake City Bank. 


Past Pres. Jeff Owens reported we have an Essay Contest entrant. 


Past Gov. Ron Donkers & Lt. Gov. John Sullivan reminded us of Optimist International Foundation’s Dime-A-Day fundraising program.  Some of the overhead for things like the Oratorical and Essay contests at the district and higher levels are in need of funding.  The higher level Oratorical Contest winner receives $2,500 and the higher level Essay Contest winner receives $500.  As a larger club, we need to cover a large part of these costs.  The Dime-A Day program is a great way to do this.  Please send your $36.50 to Optimist International Foundation, Dime-A-Day Campaign, P.O. Box 952126, St. Louis, MO 63195.  Make sure you put “club # 04555” in the memo section of your check. An even better way to do this is to use a form Ron has to have your card charged $3.05 per month on an ongoing basis.  The forms are by the badge box.


Trace Hansen reported our Spring Break Skate is April 7 through 11.  Eastlake Skate provides free admission and we provide the skate rental.  Volunteers are needed to take the tickets to the schools the week before Spring Break.  Thanks to Ann Sweet for printing 8,000 tickets.


May 18th City of Lakes Cruise-In to Downtown Warsaw.  Co-Chair Past President John Elliott reminded us that in addition to being a lot of fun, the Car Show is a fundraiser.  We have 28 trophy sponsors so far.  There was a meeting after our regular meeting for those interested in approaching potential corporate sponsors. Remember to give your sponsorship money to John Teevan, the guy with the money tie.  On Sunday, April 13 we are visiting the Michiana PT Cruiser show.  The Duesenberg Cord Auburn Museum will feature one or two cars.  Special invitations have been extended to the Michiana PT Cruiser Car Club, the Fort Wayne Corvette Club and the Hoosier A Ford Club to host their car clubs at our Cruise In.  Working with Owens Supermarket, we’ve also invited the Oscar Meyer “Hot-Dog” Mobile to our show.  Purdue President Mitch Daniels has been personally invited to ride his motorcycle and be the Grand Marshall of our escorted Cruise to the Village of Winona Lake.

Our goal is to host 250 cars, trucks, and motorcycles; have some fun; and make $15,000 to support the youth activities of our Club.

As a Club member, we are asking you to commit to three things to help make this event successful:

  1. Clear May 18 on your schedule so you can help with the event

  2. Be a $25 Trophy Sponsor or upgrade to the Bronze, Silver or Gold level.

  3. Secure one additional sponsor of the event at the $500 … $200 … $100 level.

Enclosed in the action packets are a yellow Trophy Sponsor or higher form for members of our club.  The white Sponsor form is for others who we are asking to support at the $100, $200, or $500 levels.  John Teevan will be monitoring our support.  Please turn your sponsorship forms along with your check to “the guy with the money tie.”



President Elect Rick Kerlin presented Mike Bergen with a $2000 check for the Kosciusko County Riley Kid’s Fund.  KCRKF helps families with the incidentals for families of Riley’s patents.  Many people have heartbreaking choices when it comes to being at work or being with their child at Riley.  Our funds will be used as matching funds for the Riley Radio Days. 

Rick Kerlin recruited us to answer the phones for the Riley Radio Days fundraiser.  Please call 107.3 from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 13 or Friday, March 14. 


Past President George Brennan has organized our 2 teams of people who know a lot about nothing for our Warsaw Education Foundation Quiz Bowl on Tuesday, March 18.  Luke Becknell was the standout winner at the pre-Quiz Bowl last night. 


President Everett Nifong reported our Golf Outing fundraiser will be Thursday, June 19 at 1 p.m. at Stonehenge.  Please consider golfing, becoming a Tee Sponsor, donating a door prize or goody bag items.


Past Gov. and Triathlon Chairman Ron Donkers reported our Triathlon is open.  We already have 40 registrations.  Save Saturday, June 28 on your calendar.


Past Lt. Gov. Dr. David Haines provided our first post to our Year in Review series.  It is featured on the front page of our website.  Here is a direct link .


President Everett Nifong reported we need to be more proactive when it comes to paying our dues


Dave Meier announced our 34th Annual Big Wheel Race is Friday, August 1 at Center Lake Park.  Registration starts at 5:45 p.m.  Race is at 7 p.m.  Thanks to Penguin Point for sponsoring the bicycles, trophies, and gift certificates.


Lt. Gov. John Sullivan reported our Indiana North District Convention will be in Warsaw August 8th and 9th.


Dave Meier invited us to support our school at the 35th Big Wally Eating Contest on Tuesday, March 18 at 7 p.m. at North Detroit Street Penguin Point.  The traveling trophy is currently at Tippe Valley.  $250 of prize money goes to the winning school’s prom fund.  WRSW will broadcast this great event “bite by bite.”


Big Brothers Big Sisters Community Development Director for Kosciusko County Trina Hoy challenged us to provide at least 4 teams of 5 bowlers for BBBS’s Bowl for Kids’ Sake at The Bowling Alley, by Tokens N Tickets N. Detroit Street, Saturday, March 22.  There are openings at 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., and 4 p.m.  Each bowler is asked to secure pledges of $100 or more.  All of the money raised goes to support matches of Bigs and kids.  You can register online at www.bbbsnei.orgor with the registration forms Trina has by our badge box.


Kelsi Griffith invited us to hear Holocaust survivor Eva Kor at the Manahan Orthopaedic Capital Center on Tuesday, March 25th at 6 p.m.  The topic is Surviving the Holocaust –  Stopping Hate.  Understanding Suffering.  Finding Forgiveness.  


Laurie Schotz invited us to see The Fantasticks, the World’s Longest-Running Musical at our Warsaw Performing Arts Center (PAC) at our Warsaw Community High School at 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 13.  Tickets are $25, $15 for students.


Laurie Schotz invited us to see Miss Nelson is Missing!, a play aimed at children at our Warsaw Performing Arts Center (PAC) at our Warsaw Community High School at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 18.  Tickets are $10, $5 for students.  


Conductor Martin Becker invited us to the Grace College Community Wind Ensemble’s Sousa Salute, spring concert at Rodeheaver on Friday, March 21 at 7:30 p.m.


Laurie Schotz invited us to see our Warsaw Community High School Performing Arts Center (PAC) at a Chamber After Hours between 5 p.m.  to 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 27. 



Video Editor Jim Hayes showed us a video about a guy who did not believe the Jeff Gordon Pepsi Max video


Jim also showed us a video about instant dates that caught people unaware.


Sergeants-at-Arms:  Luke Becknell and Trace Hansen entertained us.


Past President John Elliott reported on the State Tristar Basketball competition.  It was held in the world’s largest gym, the New Castle Fieldhouse.  They had everyone sit in the stands.  Then they called each contestant out one at a time to show everyone what they could do.  John is proud of his grandkids, Brian Elliott, Jr. who won the 8th grade State competition and Olivia Elliott who came in 4th place.


Abisha Varatharaj gave some much needed fashion advice to the table in the north west corner of our room.


Chad Zaucha was recognized for National Nutrition Month.


Ann Sweet was recognized for National Red Cross Month.


Those who gave blood on purpose to help others were honored.  Those who wasted blood by injuring themselves because they are careless were not honored.


Alan Lucht, Dr. Jenny Lucht, Coach Jim Kessler & Art Gakstatter were recognized for Sports Car Racing Day.


George Paton was asked about his best 2 boats at Patona Bay.  He said they are the Party Lounger pontoon and the Centurion wake board surfing boat.  He said it will disconnect the piers. 


Dumbstruck day and Panic Day were celebrated.




Past President Tracy Furnivall told us about Baker Youth Club’s rapid growth in recent years.  The kids who are tutored at BYC do well in school.  A high percentage of BYC kids pass I-Read, I-Step Math and English.


Tracy invited us to Baker Youth Club’s 2nd annual BYC Madness on Friday, March 14 at the Wagon Wheel.  Pregame tailgate is 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m.  Tip Off is at 7 p.m.  Come for Food, drinks, live auction, silent auction, entertainment and fun!  Tickets are $40. 


Silent & Live Auction includes:  1 week stay at Marco Island, America’s Cup Yacht Sailing in San Francisco, Napa Valley back roads and railroads wine trip to San Francisco, Indianapolis Colts Suite tickets, Jewelry items, Golf Cart, Golf packages, and much more.


Food and Drink Vendors include:  American Table, Dairy Queen, Buffalo Wild Wings, Jason and Carissa Nolin, Maple Leaf Farms, Crazy Day Gourmet, Top Dogz, Nelson Beverage.  Beer and wine will be available for purchase.


This year there will be 8 shooters and 28 cheerleaders at BYC Madness.


Last year they raised $45,000 at the original BYC Madness.