Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
Upcoming Events:
3/18-Oratorical Contest Winners
3/25-WCS CAO/David Robertsen
4/1-Chiropractic/Sarah Masterson
4/8-History of Circus Program/Jim Reeve
4/15-Friends of WCS & Boys Track & Field-Coach Matt Thacker
4/22-Warsaw Parks/Liz McKinley & Girls Tennis-Rick Orban
4/29-Mayor Thallemer & Softball-Coach Jim Speicher
President Rick Kerlin led our meeting.
86 Optimists & guests:
- Kris Shipley-guest of Juergen Voss.
- Dennis Brown-guest of Rick Kerlin.
- Jason Gergely-guest of Rick Kerlin.
- Adam Reed-guest of George Brennan.
- Troy Burns-guest of Rick Kerlin.
- Kris Shipley-guest of Juergan Voss.
- Warsaw High School Students of the Week:
- Jacob Meulink
- Joshua Miller
- Emali Grose
- Nick Light
- Elizabeth Yeiter
- Bailey Hammel
- Rachel Smith
- Gabby Aguirre
- Elizabeth Brown
- Nicholas DiVacarro
New Members: Ivan Schuler, Andrew O’Connell.
Door Greeters: Bob Ibach.
Prayer: Alan Lucht.
Pledge was given to the American flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Hail to Optimism was sung in unison.
Birthday Honorees: Jane Wear, Randy Polston, Lynn Kendall and guest student of the week, Jacob Meulink. Happy Birthday!
Check Presentation: Jenny Lucht presented a check in the amount of $350 to Troy Burns for the Kosciusko County Soccer League.
Chair, Kellie Malcolm, conducted:
- 3rd Reading:
- Adam Reed-sponsored by George Brennan.
- 1st Reading:
- Kris Shipley-sponsored by Juergan Voss.
Committee Reports:
- John Elliot gave an update on the Oratorical Contest that was held on March 6th. It was a great event and the winners will be presenting their speeches next Wednesday for our morning Program.
- Car Show will be in May 17th this year. So far 25 members have signed up to be trophy sponsors, make sure you fill out your form today!
- Invoices for dues, please pay Doug Baumgardner.
- Warsaw Education Foundation-Community Quiz Bowl will be on Tuesday, March 17th at 7pm WCHS Tiger Den. They are in need of proctors. Contact George Brennan for more information.
- Everett Nifong is asking for Nominations for the Nominating Committee. The term will begin in November. Please let him know if you have a nomination.
- Please add to your safe sender email list!
- Are you on Facebook, be sure you go to our page ( and “Like Us.”
50/50: Roland Kramer was the winner of $66 this morning!
CEO Report:
Jenna Secrist announced: Denny Andrews.
Denny has been a member since 05/01/85. He is married to his lovely wife, Millie (who is also a member). They have two sons and a daughter and 4 grandchildren. They have a bulldog named Maggie. His occupation is being mostly retired from being a Hearing Instrument Specialist. Denny’s hobbies include golf and music. Church of Golf is his activities of interest. He resides in Etna Green and has for over four years. Right now his burning desire is to change “mostly retired” to retired. Something nobody knows about Denny is that he is the last to know anything and he said he lost 400 lbs since joining the club, however, he has replaced it with 450 lbs. His key to success is that God has graced him greatly by far more than he deserves. Denny’s Optimist Memory involved David Lee on a gurney table with a foot tag, that was set on fire at a club meeting. His honors include: Honor Club Past President, Optimist of the Year, Distinguished and Outstanding Lt. Governor, Life Member, and 28 years perfect attendance. Thank you for sharing Denny, we appreciate you as a Club Essential Optimist!
Sergeants-at-Arms: Bob Jackson entertained us: $1 Charge:
- Rick Kerlin for starting the meeting at 7:01am this morning.
- Roland Kramer for winning the 50/50.
- Ivan Schuler for not knowing that our club started the Youth Soccer League in Warsaw.
- Bob asked several members some True/False questions:
- Akash Jain.
- KT Kishan.
- Ron Henry.
- Aaron Rovenstine.
- Dave Turner.
- $Optimistic $1:
- Akash Jain for his daughter’s Sweater Project’s success. She will be calling everyone in the directory to ask for a sweater and if she can leave a collection box at your business.
- Larry Bishop entertained us with a riddle.
- Gina Voelz informed Bob that her daughter already had an Octagan t-shirt.
- Tracy Furnivall reminded everyone about the upcoming BYC Madness event that is next Friday.
- 5 Things You Need To Know about….
- Judge David Cates (In honor of St. Patrick’s Day next week):
- Brown/Green Beer = Brown.
- Favorite Irish City = Dublin.
- Protestant/Catholic = Protestant.
- Guinness/Kilkenny Irish Beer = Guinness.
- Favorite book by an Irish Author = Gulliver’s Travels.
- Judge David Cates (In honor of St. Patrick’s Day next week):
Our very own Laurie Schotz presented about the Performing Arts Center this morning. She read the Mission Statement and described her efforts with the PAC. They have several upcoming events scheduled for the year. They are looking for Sponsors and they want to get the word out so that we can all attend the events! Great job Laurie!
For more information:
- Website:
- Like them on Facebook:
- Invite a Guest.
- Clean up tables.
- Next Week’s Program: Oratorical Conest Winners.
- Quote: “Optimism: A cheerful frame of mind that enables a tea kettle to sing though in hot water up to its nose” –Author Unknown.