Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Upcoming Programs:


6/15-Warsaw Rugby Club/Trevor Cracknel & Mark Maruso

6/22-Triathlon Bags

6/29-Cardinal Services/Jane Wear


7/6-Winona Lake Town Happenings/Craig Alebach

7/13-Division of Entomology & Plant Pathology/Eric Biddinger

7/20-Tech Endowment Fund-Eric Sorensen

7/27-Scholastic/Randee Salisbury


Call To Order @ 7:00am.

Invocation by:  Rick Swaim.

Greeters:      Randy Polston & Dave Robertson.

105 Members & Guests:       

  1. Rachel Polston-guest and wife to Randy Polston.
  2. Eric Coburn-guest of Rick Swaim and Program.
  3. Tracie Hodson-guest of Trina Hoy.
  4. Vickie Lootens-guest of Jane Wear.
  5. Brandon Penrod-guest of John Elliott.

Birthdays:  Dr. Charlie Hollar, Jim Nesbitt and Josh Finch.  Happy Birthday!


Pam Galloway conducted:

  • 2nd Reading—Brandon Penrod-sponsored by John Elliott.

Sam Whitaker inducted

  • Paul Helstern-sponsored by Brian Brauchla.  Welcome to the club Paul!

Program:  Eric Coburn spoke this morning about the WCHS Avionics Program that is available for the students.  They have had 45 students participate and all of them pass!  Thank you for sharing this morning.

Committee Reports:

  • Golf Outing-Thursday, June 16th.  Still need teams, sponsors and volunteers!
  • Triathlon-Saturday, June 25th.  Still need volunteers!  Jason Gergely passed out flyers to help bake cookies and deliver to the homeowners around the Winona Lake area.  My Team Triumph is organizing the cookie project this year.  We really need youngsters ages 11-14 to sign up for the Youth Race.  Invite kids you know in those ages.  There will be a poster next week to help with areas to sign up and volunteer.

Check Presentation:  Art Gakstatter presented a check to Tracie Hodson in the amount of $500 for the Children’s Programs at Beaman Homes. 

Sheriffs Report:  None this morning.

CEO Report:  None this morning!

50/50: We are taking a small break from 50/50 right now!


None this morning.


  1. Next Week:  Warsaw Rugby Club/Trevor Cracknel & Mark Maruso.
  2. Thank You Guests & Speaker.
  3. Clean your tables, have an optimistic week.

Quote: “I wish people would love everybody else the way they love me. It would be a better world. It isn’t the mountain ahead that wear you down. It’s the pebble in your shoe.”   -Muhammad Ali.

Thanks and have an Optimist Week!