Wednesday, June 6, 2018
Attendance: 108
Greeters: Glen Hall, Rob Edling
Invocation: Rick Swaim
Guests/Hosts: Kyrie Maierle (Darren Maierle), Brendon Sullivan (Scholarship Recipient), Michelle Shipley (Kris Shipley), Matt Tague (Andrew O’Connell)
Birthdays: Bruce Hanson, Millie Andrews, Dr. Charles Hollar, Jim Nesbitt, Rachel Polston, Dave Wolkins, Jay Tate, Guest Brendon Sullivan
Membership: 3rd Reading – Matt Tague
Golf Outing: Next Thursday, June 14th. Please contact Everett Nifong if you have questions about the event.
Triathlon: June 30th – Volunteers are needed in all areas. Luke Becknell is helping coordinate volunteer recruitment. There are opportunities to serve in many areas including body marking, timing chip setup, water stations, bike and run course, finish line, and more. For info about the event in general, See Paula Deming for more information.
Warsaw Breakfast Optimist 60th Birthday Bash – Sign up sheets for the event to be held September 26 were available at the meeting. Please contact Dr. Pam Galloway with questions about the event.
Check Presentation to the Club: KCH presented a check for $2,500 as a major sponsor for the Triathlon

KCH Presents Check For Triathlon Sponsorship
Program: Indiana State Fairground – A History of Change by Cindy Hoy, Executive Director
The Indiana State Fair (ISF), the 6th oldest in the United States, was first held in 1852. The Fair traveled to different towns before it settled at the 250 acre complex in Indianapolis. ISF is a quasi-governmental agency which does approximately $29 million in business every year. Approximately 50 of its revenue is generated during the fair, additional revenue is generated from the events it hosts throughout the year. Recent additions to ISF including the DNR fishing pond, a youth pavilion, a covered bridge, and renovations to the coliseum. Future plans for the ISF facility include renovations to the swine barn, a vet plex, a state fair farm, and a new grandstand. The theme for this year’s fair is the circus.
50/50: $120 with $60 going to the winner Mitch Goon
Sergeant-at-Arms: Jeff Owens, Brooke Hamstra, Sam Whitaker – Tracy Furnival was fined for showing up for a meeting, Brittany Petersen and Glen Hall were fined for being on the front page of the paper and not mentioning Optimist Club, Harry Gigous chose to have his entire usual table fined for not having room for him today, a Happy Dollar was given to announce the opening of the Lake City Skiers season (Free shows are given at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and Sundays)
Next Week’s Program (June 13): 3-D Printing and the Orthopedic implications – Mike Hawkins