Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Future Dates
06/26 Triathlon
06/28 Red Cross Blood Drive @ Ivy Tech
07/02 Optimist Singers @ 1st Friday
07/07 we meet @ Knights of Colum-bus
07/14 no meeting
85 Optimists & 6 guests attended our meeting: Dr. Darrell Johnson guest of Fred Nieter; Ryan Goon guest of Mitch Goon; Hugh Eagan guest of Denny An-drews; Kristi Manduka, Amanda Scroggs, & Jon Scroggs guests of Craig Nayrocker.
Door Greeters: Deb Miller & Bonnie Bradley. Prayer was offered by Fred Nieter.
Pledge was given to the American Flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Birthday Honorees: Steve Albertson & Dr. David Haines. Merl Heckaman led us with ―summertime‖ results.
Mystery Person: Bob Ibach reported 13 people shook his hand.
Prayer List: Lyle Enyeart’s family at the passing of his father-in-law. Jim Kessler’s family at the passing of his mother, Ada. Jim Hayes’ mother, Norma’s can-cer recovery.
Membership: Everett Nifong read Dr. Darrell John-son’s 3rd reading. Fred Nieter sponsored Darrell.
Sherriff Bill Landrigan: We had 98 members pre-sent last week! It was good to see Hugh Eagon.
Everett Nifong reported we had 21 teams for our 6/17 Stonehenge Golf Outing. He recognized those who helped or played. So far it looks as if almost $6,800 was raised. John Elliott & Dave Wolkins’ team won. A close 2nd was Rich Haddad’s team. Rocky Gosh-ert’s team came in a close 3rd. Mitch Goon, Troy Tom, & Ron Chambers won the Penguin Point partici-pation award.
Trace Hansen is looking for a set-up & tear-down head & a volunteer coordinator for Safe Assured.
Tracy Furnival commended Ot Schroeder on his com-mittee to curb drop-outs. Baker Youth Club / Big Brothers—Big Sisters need 80 mentors to spend 1 hour per week with an at-risk student. See Tracy!
Triathlon on 6/26: Past Gov. Ron Donkers reported we have we have 701 registered. Thanks go to Bret Wolf and Indiana Vac Form for our new bike racks! Today we packed the registration bags. After today’s meeting we finished the bags at Ron & George’s ga-rage. Denny Andrews new signs are all finished. We received a nice front page write-up in the Times-Union. During the race, if anyone sees an accident, we need to get the names & contact information on the witnesses and those involved. Forward this to Ron Donkers.
President Sam Whitaker reported we will meet at the Knights of Columbus building on Bell Drive just west of Biomet on July 7th.
There is no meeting July 14th.
Luke Becknell reminded the Optimist Singers to practice at 6am next week for the July 2, First Friday performance.
Cathy Mullett invited us to participate in the Ivy Tech Red Cross blood drive on June 28th from 9 to 3.
Dave Meier reminded us the Penguin Point / Opti-mist Big Wheel Race is 8/7 downtown at Center & Buffalo. Registration is at 9am. The race starts at 10:30am.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Merl Heckaman, & Lyle Enyeart entertained us. Merl congratulated Jerry Titus, Max Mock & Ot Schroeder on the placement of their ads in the Times-Union. Fred Nieter is happy that Dot is recovering from her hip surgery. Bill Landigan is happy that his tree did not fall on his neighbor. Jokes were told by Fred Nieter & Jim Nesbitt.
50/50: Andrew Swihart won $37.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Jimmy Ray – Air Force
Program: We put together Triathlon registration bags.
Next week: Vice Chancellor / Executive Dean Randy Maxson from Ivy Tech