Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Future Dates
6/25/11 Triathlon
06/29 Eric Lane—Hope Mission
7/6 no meeting—Fair
7/13 no meeting—Fair
7/20 Sally Mahnken—CASA
82 Optimists & 3 guests attended our meeting. Mark Nunez was the guest of Lecia Derrossett; Donn Anderson was the guest of Ken Anderson; & Shawn Williamson was the guest of Everett Nifong. Door-Greeter: Luke Becknell. Prayer was offered by Henry Church. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Birth-day Honorees: Lecia Derrossett & Steve Albertson. Martin Becker led us in the birthday song with ―triathlon race‖ results.
Prayer List: Alan & Kristine Aldefer’s daughter Katherine as she fights her bone & muscle disease.
Membership: Scott Whitaker read Shawn William-son’s & Mark Nunez’s applications. Everett Nifong & Lecia Derrossett sponsored Shawn & Mark respec-tively.
Stonehenge Golf Outing: Everett Nifong thanked those who worked the golf outing. We had 21 teams. The Warsaw HS Golf team raised around $300 hitting the ball for our players. Everett estimates that around $7k was brought in this year.
Triathlon on June 25: Past Gov. Ron Donkers re-ported we have 688 registered. Club members are excited about our big event. After we finish our tasks we need to pick up all the litter.
Past Gov. Ron Donkers is looking for past presi-dents to train new presidents in our district. Please see Ron.
Lt. Gov. Jim Reeve’s Cub Scout troop 3736 is hav-ing a yard sale 7/9. Please drop off items at Jim’s of-fice. Also 7/14 is Scout day at the fair. Scouts get in for free that day if they are wearing their uniform.
Trina Hoy invited us to the Chamber of Commerce Golf Outing on 7/20th at Tippecanoe Lake Country Club. Cost is $125 per person.
Sherriff of Attendance, Bill Landrigan, looked out at our 82 members in attendance & sat down to enjoy the fruit of his labor.
President Joel Wihebrink reported we will not be meeting July 6th & 13th due to the Fair.
Martin Becker reported the Optimist Singers are off until Aug. 10th.
Please see Craig Nayrocker if you are interested in writing our Optibullette newsletter when Craig is out.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
EN3 Evan Mock – Navy – working with mine detect-ing dolphins
Sergeants-at-Arms: Dr. David Haines, Denny An-drews, & Jeff Owens entertained us. Long time member Dale Nellans is turning 90. He lives in Tim-bercrest. Don Kenipe is celebrating several things: Marilyn is released by all her doctors, they are cele-brating their 60th anniversary, & their grandson, Bryan Kenipe is back from Iraq. Henry Church is go-ing through some changes: His son just started working in the Design Department at Ford. He is hearing thanks to Denny Andrews. He is retiring Sunday. All are invited to hear his last sermon at WL Free Methodist Church. Ann Sweet invited all to WL Grace Brethren Sunday to the dedication of the new wing of their church, part of which is in honor of Ann’s daughter. Don Reinholt, Steve Hollar, Mark Nunez, & Marvin Miller were all recognized for pro-ducing top 12 students.
Our 50/50 was won by Chad Zaucha.
Program: Ron Donkers & Luke Becknell showed us how to assemble the Triathlon registration packets. Kudos go to Pat Donkers for her coordination of the T-Shirts and to Jim Hayes for his countless hours every year working on the registration of our partici-pants. Jim puts in long hours, sometimes late into the night, organizing our participants.