Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Attendance: 111
Greeters: Rachel and Randy Polston
Invocation: Ken Anderson
Guests (Hosts): Karleen Brennan (George Brennan), Allen Robinson and Bob Lyons (Rick Kerlin), Mya Heaton (Paul Heaton), Cory Benz (Jennifer Dornan), Kevin Haines (Rich Haddad), Kyrie Maierle (Darren Maierle)
Sherrif Report: Bill Landrigan
1st Reading: Bob Lyons (sponsored by Rick Kerlin), Cory Benz (sponsored by Jennifer Dornan)
2nd Reading: Kyrie Maierle (sponsored by Darren Maierle)
Golf Outing – Everett Nifong announced the winning teams from the July 14th event: 1st place – Clevenger team (prize of golf outing at Tippecanoe Country Club), 2nd place – Silveus team (prize of dinner at 110 Craft Meatery), 3rd place – a team of golfers from Milford/Napanee area. Team winning the “chicken dinner” prize as the worst golf team was comprised of Dr. David Haines, Ron Chambers, Martin Becker, and Denny Andrews. No golfer made a hole-in-one.
Triathlon – Volunteers are still needed for the June 30th event. At next week’s club meeting we will be stuffing bags to be handed out at the triathlon.
Club visitation – June 9th to the Elkhart evening club with a 5 p.m. departure planned.
Birthdays: Maya Heaton
Check Presentation: A check for $1,000 was presented to Warsaw Community Schools to help support the “Back to the Days of Kosciusko” event to be held September 7th. Plans for this year are to include a civil war reenactment, visit by the Miami Nation, and an Abe Lincoln impersonator.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Jeff Owens – Brooke Hamstra – Sam Whitaker – Gina Voelz Fines assessed included David Robertson for “showing up” for a club meeting, Rick Kerlin for a new member “advertising” Kerlin motors during his reading, and anyone not volunteering for the triathlon
Program: Warsaw Post Office Operations by Beth A. Jungels, Postmaster – The Warsaw post office is the 3rd largest revenue generating post office in the state generating over $231MM in revenue. The facility handles around 3.5 million pieces of letter type mail every year and, on a daily basis, process nearly 7,000 packages.
Upcoming Programs: Next Week – packing triathlon bags, July 4th – no meeting, July 11th – meeting to be held at Baker Youth Club