Wednesday, June 19, 2013
Future Dates
6/21 Fri. Baker Youth Club Golf Outing / Rozella Ford
6/25 Tue. Visit Fort Wayne Southside club
6/26 Wed. Assemble Triathlon bags at BAKER YOUTH CLUB
6/29 Sat. Triathlon
7/3 Wed. no meeting – Fair
7/4,5,6 Thur.-Sat. Optimist International Conference in Cincinnati
7/6 Sat. Scout Pack 3736 Garage Sale
7/17 Wed. Jane Wear / Cardinal Center
7/24 Wed. Ronna Kawsky / Warsaw Area Career Center
7/24 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Girls Soccer / Peter Lucht
7/24 Wed. Chamber Golf Outing / Tippecanoe Lake Country Club
7/29 – 8/1 Mon – Thur. AJGA Stonehenge Junior Open
7/31 Wed. Angie Wood / Heartline
7/31 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Football / Phil Jensen
8/2 Fri. Big Wheel Race
8/7 Wed. Jay Tate / Safe Assured ID demo
8/7 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Cheerleading / Kari Doty
8/14 Wed. Rich Haddad / K21 Health Foundation
8/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Girls Golf / Chris LaLonde
8/21 Wed. Lorinda Kline / WCS Professional Learning Community Coach
8/21 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Volleyball / Michael Howard
8/28 Wed. Shirley Fetrow / Family Safety Day
9/4 Wed. Greenways / Tim Dombrosky & Staci Young
9/11 Wed. Dave Anson / Athletic Director WCHS
9/11 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Boys & Girls Cross Country / Jim Mills & Scott Erba
9/18 Wed. Laurie Schotz / WCHS PAC
9/18 Wed. Boys Golf / Ben Barkey
10/2 Wed. Amanda Lopez / Foster Parenting
10/9 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Student Council
10/9 Wed. Boys Soccer / Scott Bauer
10/16 Wed. Danielle Robertson / Wagon Wheel
10/23 Wed. Ben Barkey & Tom Ray / Washington STEM
10/23 Wed. Boys Tennis / Rick Orban
10/30 Wed. Eisenhower Robotics Club
11/20 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Symphony / Blue Apron dessert
12/4 Wed. Brad Hagg / Warsaw Community High School CTO
12/11 Wed. Girls Basketball / Michelle Harter
1/8/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Gymnastics & Wrestling / Andi Calhoun & Justin Smith
1/15/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Girls Swim & Dive / Nate Long
1/22/14 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Symphony
1/29/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Boys Swim & Dive / Nate Long
2/5/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Boys Basketball / Doug Ogle
3/12/14 Wed. Warsaw Schools Band
3/26/14 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Chief Accountability Officer David Hoffert
9/10/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Athletics / Dave Anson
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
89 Optimists & 11 guests attended our meeting. Ashlyn Fawley was the guest of Trace Hansen; Paul Heaton was the guest of Sam Whitaker; Gov. Elect Tom Stone & Sandy Stone were guests of Past Gov. Ron Donkers; Past Wisconsin State Senator Dr. Pam Galloway was the guest of Past Pres. John Elliott; & Ben Barkey, Josh Ahlersmeyer, Tyler Paseka, Curtis Archer, Reid Cameron, & Jonny Hollar were guests of President Elect Everett Nifong.
Door Greeters: Mike Cox & Rick Kerlin.
Prayer: Ed Nordstrom led us in prayer.
Pledge was given to the American flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Birthday Honorees: Jonny Hollar. Martin Becker led us in the birthday song with our usual results.
Membership: Past President Jeff Owens’ assistant Kyle Dukes readHeather King’s, Paul Heaton’s, & Lynn Kendall’s applications. Dan Metzger,Sam Whitaker, & Trina Hoy sponsored Heather, Paul, & Lynn.
Sheriff & Deputy of Attendance Bill Landrigan and Harry Gigouscelebrated our attendance of 101 the last week.
President Tracy Furnivall announced the Shrine Building will be in use forTHREE (3) weeks because of our County Fair, “don’t miss it, don’t even be late.”
We will meet at Baker Youth Club on June 26.
We will not meet July 3.
We will meet at Baker Youth Club on July 10.
Visitation Chairman Ron Chambers invited us to visit the Fort Wayne Southside club the morning of Tuesday, June 25. We will meet at 5:45 the east Bob Evans parking lot.
President Elect Everett Nifong reported the weather cooperated for our Golf Outing. He thanked his committee, those who sponsored, played in, or worked our event. Over $8,500 was raised for the youth of our community.
Warsaw Golf Coach Ben Barkey introduced us to Josh Ahlersmeyer, Tyler Paseka, Curtis Archer, Reid Cameron, & Jonny Hollar. The Golf Team helps us with our Golf Outing.
Ben Barkey invited us to volunteer to help put on the AJGA Stonehenge Junior Open July 29 through August 1. This is a chance to help young people while watching some great golf.
Triathlon: Past Gov. Chairman Ron Donkers reported we have 700 Hand-teen water bottles for our contestants. These are fantastic in their ability to help our contestants stay hydrated. This year we need MORE HELP than before. In addition to the usual tasks, we need new workers to pull of the Youth Safety work on the Youth Bike and Youth Run routes. Several Warsaw Golf team members signed up to help today. We have 455 total participants signed up.
The date has been changed to the Saturday JUST BEFORE the 4th of July. It will be Saturday, June 29, 2013.
Co-Chairman Luke Becknell & Patty Donkers highlighted some of our Triathlon sub-committees. The excitement is growing. Next week we will assemble registration bags at our meeting. After the meeting we will put the registration numbers and swim caps in the bags at Ron & George’s storage building.
Our Banner is missing. It is about 8’ by 2’. Check you trunk of your car and your garage. We need it for our Triathlon.
President Tracy Furnivall invited us to Baker Youth Club’s Golf Outing on Friday, June 21 at Rozella Ford. Florida Scramble cost is $280 per foursome, including golf, cart, lunch, and snacks. Hole sponsorship is $150.
Trina Hoy invited us to the Chamber Golf Outing on Wednesday, July 24 at Tippecanoe Lake Country Club. The cost is $125 per person, $500 per team. Register at .
Kellie Malcolm announced that Ball State is doing a Community Visioning Workshop now through Saturday. Stop by City Hall, tomorrow, June 20, as early as 9 a.m. to be interviewed.
As a Community Based Project (CBP) Program, Professor Scott Truex will
accompany his students as they dialogue with the citizens of Warsaw. They
have done over 200 CBP’s in Indiana communities since 1969, providing design-based
ideas and recommendations in a “think tank” type of environment,
addressing revitalization needs and improved livability.
In this case, the focus is on the downtown and the area east of
downtown “between the lakes”. Special consideration is being given to
transportation changes, underutilized areas, and expansion of downtown
housing. They will interview as many people and organizations as they can in a
three day period (that’s where you all come in). They then go back to Muncie and
use their creativity, “outsider” perspective, and experience from other similar
communities and spend a month brainstorming, drawing, and creating.
Past Lt. Gov. Jim Reeve is looking for donations for Scout Pack 3736’s garage sale on Saturday, July 6 at Trinity United Methodist Church.
Video Editor Jim Hayes showed us an interesting way to round up cattle using a radio controlled miniature car.
Please pray for our Troops and Families: Pfc Joseph W Russell – Marines
Sergeants-at-Arms: John Elliott, Everett Nifong, & Joel Wihebrinkentertained us.
It was noted that the Hollar family has a great history in our club … Floyd,Charles, Steve, and a great future with future Car Show Chairman Jonny Hollar.
Merl Heckaman reminded us that “Call 811” is the source for safe digging. Merl has a supply of Call 811 cards on his counter at work.
Nick Deeter was noted as the KYLA speaker and for his new venture, The Old Leesburg Mill. It is good to remember Chubb Smith.
Sheriff Bill Landrigan is proud of his granddaughter, Kristin Quick, the Mermaid Festival Queen of Lakes.
It was found that our Richard Tuttle worked in a Lion’s yellow vest.
The Oklahoma Sooner Marching Band will perform Friday, September 27 at Warsaw during the game with Wawasee. We saw a video of them. They are great!
Past Pres. Jeff Owens helped put on classes to facilitate this year’s Habitat for Humanity build.
Several members told Ot Schroeder to tell the home office we like State Farm agent “Jake.”
Dr. Steve Hollar is proud the Warsaw’s Golf Team has gone to the State Finals 5 years in a row.
Nick Deeter’s oldest son is deployed. On the way he called needing more money. It costs a lot to golf in Hawaii.
Disaster Volunteer Coordinator (AmeriCorps) Ashlyn Fawley told us about the Red Cross. Their mission is to prevent & alleviate human suffering in face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors.
They teach classes on how to be prepared for disasters.
The Red Cross is the largest blood donor organization in the country.
In their Health & Safety Services they teach CPR, first aid, along with kids training.
The Red Cross serves our Armed Forces with emergency communications & emergency financial assistance. They support our local National Guard.
The Red Cross helps locate loved ones through their International Tracing Service.
The Red Cross does uniform training for Disaster Services in weekend camps. These volunteers go to local and national locations such as Oklahoma, or Hurricane Sandy.
To be Red Cross Ready we need to 1) Get a Kit, 2) Make a Plan, & 3) be Informed.
Our kit needs to have 2 weeks supply of water ( 1 gallon per person per day), cash, food, & pet supplies. Every 6 months we should update our kits. Do not forget to have copies of important paperwork.
Our plan should include contacts and meeting places in our house, yard, and out of our local area.
We can be informed by using , , .
We can join hands with the Red Cross by giving blood, becoming a responder, help with programs, & financial support.