Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Upcoming Events:


6/24-Triathlon Bags


7/1-KCH Health Update/Jay de los Reyes

7/8-Warsaw Times-Union/Gary Gerard


President Rick Kerlin led our meeting.

79 Optimists & guests:

  • Naoma- guest and sister of Ken Anderson.
  • Elaine Kramer-guest and wife of Roland Kramer.
  • Emily Bishop-guest and wife of Larry Bishop.
  • Madison O’Connell-guest and daughter of Andrew O’Connell.
  • Chris Hanson and Mike Hollingsworth-guests of Joel Wihebrink.
  • Kelly Enele-guest of John Elliot.

Door Greeters: Jen Pyle & Brooke Hamstra.

Prayer:  David Robertson.

Pledge was given to the American flag.  

Promise yourself was said in unison.

Hail to Optimism was sung in unison. 

Birthday Honorees:  Mike Cusick.  Happy Birthday!

Check Presentation:  Adam Turner presented a check for $1,000 to Jill Schroeder for the Winona Lake Parks Department’s Summer Programs.

Committee Reports:

  • Golf Outing this week on June 18th @ Stonehenge.
  • Triathlon will be next Saturday on June 27th. 


Mike Cox conducted:

  • 2nd Reading:
    • Chris Hanson-sponsored by Joel Wihebrink.
    • Mike Hollingsworth-sponsored by Joel Wihebrink. 

CEO Report: 

Jen Pyle announce Jeff Owens.

Member since 1982 and 1994.

His wife-Vicky.

Anniversary-March 16, 1979.

Children-Elizabeth, Erin, & Tyler.

Grandchildren-(Grand dogs)


City of residence-Warsaw for 38 years.

Occupation-Real Estate Broker with Re/Max Results.

Hobbies-Playing basketball and home improvement.

Burning Desire-To play the guitar and to sell the homes of Robert Bishop and Roland Kramer.  Call him at 574-527-1387.

Key to Success-“I may be broke, but I am not broken.”

Honors-2007 Realtor of the Year, 2004 Optimist of the Year, 2007 Pillar of the Community.

Something nobody know-He just donated his 10th gallon of blood.

Favorite Optimist Memory-(Top 5) 5-Being President, 4-21 years of Triathlon swim team, 3-NOT being President, 2-The club supporting him when he was down, 1-Spending four hours with Rosie and Dale Nellans in a small camper playing cards, NOT selling Christmas trees.  Thanks you for sharing Jeff!  You are one of a kind!  We appreciate ALL you do for the club!


  • Indiana North District Convention is August 7th & 8th and it will be right here in our own backyard at the Wyndam Gardens. We are the host club with John Sullivan organizing.  Be sure to SAVE THE DATE! 
  • July 8th & 15th will be held at Baker Youth Club.

50/50:  Rick Kerlin was today’s winner of $48!

Videos:  None.   

Sergeants-at-Arms:  Jeff, Bob & Steve entertained us:

  • $1 Charge:
    • Rich Haddad for his sinking jetski.
    • Bill Landrigan went over on the sheriff’s report.
    • Everett Nifong for Michael Gavin missing.
    • Pamela Galloway for not mentioning Optimist on WOWO.
  • 5 Questions:
    • Carla Carlton (Veterinarian)
      • What was your first pet? = Dog (German Shepherd).
      • Worst animal to work on? = People.
      • Oddest animal to work on? = Bangle Tiger.
      • Favorite animal to work on? = Cats and dogs.
      • What Vet college did you attend? = Texas AM University.
  • $Optimistic $1:
    • Marv Miller for his son Evan making the Dean’s List.
    • Larry Bishop for his oldest grandson winning the State Youth Skeet Shooting Championship.
    • Trace Hansen for celebrating his Wedding Anniversary.


Chris Murphy, Chairman and CEO of 1st Source Bank presented to the club this morning.  He showed a video and discussed the history, vision, and passion for 1st Source Bank.  Great job Chris and thank you for sharing!


  • Invite a Guest.
  • Clean up tables.
  • Next Week’s Program: Triathlon Bags.
  • Quote: “We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible. –Vince Lombardi.

Have a very Optimist Week!