Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Future Dates
6/18/09 Safe Assured Golf Outing
6/27 Triathlon
7/1 meeting @ CE Center
7/8 no meeting
7/29 Hootenanny
73 Optimists & 8 guests attended our meeting: J Davis Illingworth guest of Art Gakstatter; Tom Kline guest of Jon Lippe; Mary Pinkowski guest of Angie Tom; Elaine guest of grandpa Ken Anderson; Chad, Melanie, Ryan, & David Goon guests of Mitch Goon. Door Greeter: Mike Cusick. Prayer was offered by Marv Miller. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Birthday Hon-orees: Mike Cusick & David Goon. Dr David Haines led us & Merl Heckaman with good results.
Prayer List: Gene Groninger’s recovery after re-moval of part of his lung. The cancer did not spread. He has started treatments. Andrew O’Connell is back at work after 6 surgeries. He has one surgery left. Pete O’Connell’s aneurism. Bill Hilliard’s ongoing health. They will evaluate drugs in a couple weeks. Beatrice Crum’s recovery from a stroke. She is at Millers Merry Manor, Room 101, PO Box 710, Waka-rusa, IN 46573. Bruce Woodward is recovering from being hit by a car.
Membership: Dr Charles Hollar inducted Rocky Goshert. Bart Templeton read Dave Illingworth’s 3rd reading. Sam Whitaker sponsored Rocky. Art Gak-statter sponsored Dave.
Safe Assured Golf Outing June 18: Everett Nifong reported one more helper is needed from 10:30am to 1pm.
Triathlon on June 27. Chairman Ron Donkers & Luke Becknell reminded us we need help 6/24 at Ron & George’s garage after the meeting assembling the bags. Jim & Mary Ellen Jordan need help Friday night & Saturday morning with registration. There is no clean-up chairman, so we all need to help. As of now we have 544 registrants. We will probably have 650 racers. Call Ron at 265-5699 if you see an accident. Remember to put the 4th Saturday of June on your calendar every year.
Merl Heckaman is looking for 6 good Bingo prizes for our 7/1 meeting.
Pres Jim Reeve asked us to tell a board member our ideas for new projects to replace Christmas Tree sales.
Lyle Enyeart invited all to free boat safety classes sponsored by George Paton, 6/17 – 19 at Patona Bay Marina from 7pm to 9pm.
President Jim Reeves reported our next Hoote-nanny will be July 29. Prepare to sing or play your favorite cowboy song.
Angie Tom is looking for help for Winona Lake’s 4th of July: monitoring blow up games, volunteer sign up, cutie contest, & car show judging.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Patty Donkers collected happy dollars: A great amount of credit goes to Trace & Bruce Hansen for their work on Safe Assured ID. We need to help them out. Dr Steve Hollar recog-nized Everett Nifong & our Safe Assured Golf com-mittee for raising around $5k for Safe Assured ID.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Com. Dayne Nix – Navy – Chaplain
Program: Race chair, Ron Donkers reminded us that we have enrolled around 2000 young people so far in Safe Assured ID. Safe Assured may save the life of one of our young people. It seems that the S. A. ID chair (Fred Nieter in the past, Trace & Bruce Hansen now) are burdened with the bulk of OUR work. Each of us are EXPECTED to work 1 or 2 en-rollments each year. We should not wait to be asked.
Jerry Titus announced our future programs:
6/24 Richard Mourdock—State Treasurer
7/1 Merl’s bingo @ CE Center, Winona Lake
7/8 no meeting
7/22 Shelby Howard ML Motorsports driver @ our meeting AND Kyle Busch @ Toyota of Warsaw from 5 to 7pm also on 7/22.