Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Call to Order: 7:00 a.m.
Attendance: 114 club members and 6 registered guests
Greeters: John Teevan and Ot Schroeder
Invocation: Randy Polston
Guests: Dick Helms; Roy Wiley; Grace Walmer; Matt Tague guest of Andrew O’Connell; Brian Smith guest of Travis McConnell; and Cory Benz guest of Jason Gergely
Program: Mike Hawkins with 3 D Printing and the Orthopaedic Applications
Birthdays: Mike Cusick, Josh Finch, Kevin Harter
Induction: Matt Tague sponsored by Andrew McConnell was inducted into the club by past President Juergen Voss. An official welcome to Matt!
Golf Outing is tomorrow, June 14. They are all set. Teams down from last year by six, but it ebbs and flows so great fundraising event is still expected.
Triathlon is June 30th – volunteers are still needed: water duty, security, bike, and kayaks, and in general. Please consider signing up and showing up to help. Thank you!
60th Birthday Party is Sept. 26 – sign up sheets are at each table. Please plan your RSVP now. Babysitting will be available.
New Treasurer: Austin Donavan stepped up to immediate service as club Treasurer. Thank you to Andy Swihart for your past service!
50/50: Winner was Jim Reeve – $50.00
Sergeant-at-Arms: Jeff – Brooke – Sam
Sheriff Report: None
CEO Report: None
Next Week’s Program (June 11): Beth Jungles, U.S. Postal Service, presents “The Mail Must Go Thru”
Adjournment by Steve Hollar, President: 8:05 a.m.