Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Future Dates
6/18/09 Safe Assured Golf Outing
6/27 Triathlon
7/1 meeting @ CE Center
7/8 no meeting
7/29 Hootenanny
72 Optimists & 5 guests attended our meeting: Rocky Goshert guest of Sam Whitaker; J Davis Illingworth guest of Art Gakstatter; Chad James guest of Lyle Enyeart; Betsy Voss guest of Juergen Voss; & ―Mr. Rooster‖ Kamden Tom. Door Greeters: Dr KT Kishan & Mitch Goon. Prayer was offered by Dr. Jim Bowling. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Birthday Hon-orees: Millie Andrews, Dr Charles Hollar, Bruce Han-sen. Dr David Haines led us with good results.
Prayer List: Gene Groninger’s recovery after re-moval of part of his lung. The cancer did not spread. He has started treatments. Andrew O’Connell is back at work after 6 surgeries. He has one surgery left. Pete O’Connell’s aneurism. Bill Hilliard’s ongoing health. They will evaluate drugs in a couple weeks. Beatrice Crum’s recovery from a stroke. She is at Millers Merry Manor, Room 101, PO Box 710, Waka-rusa, IN 46573. Bruce Woodward is recovering from being hit by a car.
Membership: Ron Donkers inducted Steve Albert-son. Bart Templeton read Rocky Goshert’s 3rd read-ing & Dave Illingworth’s 2nd reading. Sam Whitaker sponsored Steve & Rocky. Art Gakstatter sponsored Dave.
Safe Assured Golf Outing June 18: Everett Nifong reported Dane & Mary Louise Miller gave $1k. Help is needed from 10am to 1pm.
June 27, Triathlon Chairman Ron Donkers & Luke Becknell reminded us we are assembling the bags 6/17. Luke is looking for a body marking chairperson. Jim & Mary Ellen Jordan need help Friday night & Saturday morning with registration. Remember to put the 4th Saturday of June on your calendar every year.
July 1st club meeting will be at the CE Center south of the Wooster Road.
No club meeting July 8th.
Board meeting results: We are continuing Christ-mas Tree sales, but are looking for ideas for a re-placement project. It is important we all pay our dues as timely as possible.
George Paton invited all to a free boat safety class taught by Lyle Enyeart on June 17 thru 19 at Patona Bay Marina at 7pm.
President Jim Reeves reported our next Hoote-nanny will be July 29. Prepare to sing or play your favorite cowboy song.
Angie Tom is looking for help for Winona Lake’s 4th of July: monitoring blow up games, volunteer sign up, cutie contest, & car show judging.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Patty Donkers collected happy dollars: Kamden Tom is ―Mr. Rooster‖ from Men-tone. Warsaw won the golf sectional. Erica Ridder-man & Kendal Ogle placed in track.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Matt Hughey – Air Force
Jeff Borens – Army – Iraq
Kris Elliott – Marines – Iraq
Program: Dave Illingworth from Toyota of Warsaw talked about the state of the car business. The last several years 16 million cars were sold per year. This was about 10 million to people who need cars, 2 million to people off leases, & 4 million to people who wanted cars. Now around 10 million cars are being sold = 8 million to people who needed cars + 1 mil-lion each to people off leases & who wanted cars. Dave feels the recovery will be up to 12 or 13 million cars per year.
In Warsaw 170 to 180 cars used to be sold per month. Now it is down to about 120 to 140 per month. As our fears subside, business will improve.
Jerry Titus announced our future programs:
6/17 Ron Donkers—Triathlon bags
6/24 Richard Mourdock—State Treasurer






























Future Dates

6/18/09 Safe Assured Golf Outing

6/27 Triathlon

7/1 meeting @ CE Center

7/8 no meeting

7/29 Hootenanny


72 Optimists & 5 guests


attended our meeting: Rocky Goshert guest of Sam Whitaker; J Davis Illingworth guest of Art Gakstatter; Chad James guest of Lyle Enyeart; Betsy Voss guest of Juergen Voss; & ―Mr. Rooster‖ Kamden Tom. Door Greeters: Dr KT Kishan & Mitch Goon. Prayer was offered by Dr. Jim Bowling. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Birthday Hon-orees: Millie Andrews, Dr Charles Hollar, Bruce Han-sen. Dr David Haines led us with good results.


Prayer List:


Gene Groninger’s recovery after re-moval of part of his lung. The cancer did not spread. He has started treatments. Andrew O’Connell is back at work after 6 surgeries. He has one surgery left. Pete O’Connell’s aneurism. Bill Hilliard’s ongoing health. They will evaluate drugs in a couple weeks. Beatrice Crum’s recovery from a stroke. She is at Millers Merry Manor, Room 101, PO Box 710, Waka-rusa, IN 46573. Bruce Woodward is recovering from being hit by a car.



Ron Donkers inducted Steve Albert-son. Bart Templeton read Rocky Goshert’s 3rd read-ing & Dave Illingworth’s 2nd reading. Sam Whitaker sponsored Steve & Rocky. Art Gakstatter sponsored Dave.

Safe Assured Golf Outing June 18:


Everett Nifong reported Dane & Mary Louise Miller gave $1k. Help is needed from 10am to 1pm.

June 27, Triathlon


Chairman Ron Donkers & Luke Becknell reminded us we are assembling the bags 6/17. Luke is looking for a body marking chairperson. Jim & Mary Ellen Jordan need help Friday night & Saturday morning with registration. Remember to put the 4th Saturday of June on your calendar every year.

July 1st club meeting


will be at the CE Center south of the Wooster Road.

No club meeting


July 8th.

Board meeting


results: We are continuing Christ-mas Tree sales, but are looking for ideas for a re-placement project. It is important we all pay our dues as timely as possible. George Paton invited all to a free



boat safety class taught by Lyle Enyeart on June 17 thru 19 at Patona Bay Marina at 7pm. President Jim Reeves reported our next



Hoote-nanny will be July 29. Prepare to sing or play your favorite cowboy song. Angie Tom is looking for help for



Winona Lake’s 4th of July: monitoring blow up games, volunteer sign up, cutie contest, & car show judging.



Patty Donkers collected happy dollars: Kamden Tom is ―Mr. Rooster‖ from Men-tone. Warsaw won the golf sectional. Erica Ridder-man & Kendal Ogle placed in track.

Please pray for our Troops and Families:

Matt Hughey – Air Force

Jeff Borens – Army – Iraq

Kris Elliott – Marines – Iraq



Dave Illingworth from Toyota of Warsaw talked about the state of the car business. The last several years 16 million cars were sold per year. This was about 10 million to people who need cars, 2 million to people off leases, & 4 million to people who wanted cars. Now around 10 million cars are being sold = 8 million to people who needed cars + 1 mil-lion each to people off leases & who wanted cars. Dave feels the recovery will be up to 12 or 13 million cars per year.In Warsaw 170 to 180 cars used to be sold per month. Now it is down to about 120 to 140 per month. As our fears subside, business will improve.

Jerry Titus announced our



future programs: