Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Future Dates
07/10 Cub Scout yard sale
07/14 no meeting
07/14 visit Wabash Optimist club
07/21 meeting @ Shrine Building
07/31 Duck Race for Cardinal Services
08/04 Car Show wrap up
08/07 Big Wheel Race
57 Optimists & 3 guests attended our meeting: Kam-den Tom guest of Angie Tom; Michelle Boxell guest of Sam Whitaker; Tracie Hodson guest of Henry Church.
Door Greeters: Past Gov. Ron Donkers & Ron Chambers. Prayer was offered by Henry Church. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Birthday Honorees: John Burtoft & Stacey Cox. Martin Becker led us as we sang the birthday song with great results. Mys-tery Person: Jim Hayes reported 30 people shook his hand.
Prayer List: Jim Hayes’ mother, Norma’s cancer re-covery.
Membership: Everett Nifong has plenty of applica-tions we can give our friends.
Sherriff Bill Landrigan has spurred many of us to come to our meetings.
Lt. Gov. Jim Reeve asked us to donate things for Cub Scout Pack 3736 to sell at a yard sale on July 10 at Trinity United Methodist Church. Bring your donations to Jim’s office. The proceeds will help the Cub Scouts go on a trip to the Chicago Aquarium.
Dave Meier announced the Penguin Point / Optimist Big Wheel Race is 8/7 downtown. Registration is at 9am. The race starts at 10:30am.
Trace Hansen needs volunteers to work our Safe As-sured ID booth at the Family Safety Day at Center Lake Park on Sept 11. Over 100 people were en-rolled each of the last 3 years.
Cardinal Services Community Relations Manager, Michelle Boxell, reported this years Duck Race is July 31. Adopt a duck for $5. If we WIN, Sam will wear the duck suit at OUR meeting!
Call Ron Chambers or Ot Schroeder to go on a visit to the Wabash club July 14. They are leaving at 6am.
Car Show: Past President John Elliott reported we raised $6,639.82. We are looking for a new chairper-son for next year. John will teach you. After our Au-gust 4th meeting we will have a wrap up meeting about what went well and what we can improve on.
President Sam Whitaker thanked Jeff Neumann for arranging for us to be able to meet today at the Knights of Columbus.
There is no meeting July 14th. We are back at the Shrine Building at the fairgrounds July 21.
Stacey Cox saluted: Steve Albertson, who joined in 2009, has worked Triathlon Parking and Water Sta-tions, sold Christmas Trees, worked Safe Assured events, & worked our Santa House. Steve is a past Indiana State Archery Champion. Fred Nieter, who joined in 1993, has 16 years perfect attendance, is past Optimist of the Year, past Rookie of the Year, past Distinguished Club Secretary, & past board member. Fred was the first chair of our Safe As-sured ID program, a position that he and Dot sacrifi-cially worked a multitude of hours on. Fred has chaired our Junior Golf program & worked the Ora-torical contest. Next week Stacey will salute Past Pres. Dr. Charles Hollar & Pres. Elect Jeff Neumann.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Merl Heckaman, & Jay Tate en-tertained us as they elicited fireworks stories from Stacey Cox, John Elliott, and Jay Tate. President Sam Whitaker reminded us of the deadly outcome of fireworks mishaps. Ron Chambers was happy George Paton’s dog has recovered from pneumonia. Jim Hayes gave kudos to Ron Chambers for the ex-cellent flotilla at Tippecanoe Lake.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Bryan Kenipe – Army Infantry – Kuwait
Program: Beaman Home Executive Director, Tracie Hodson, showed us how they empower vic-tims of domestic violence to become survivors. They also help prevent children from getting into the do-mestic violence pattern.