Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Upcoming Programs:


7/13-Division of Entomology & Plant Pathology/Eric Biddinger

7/20-Tech Endowment Fund-Eric Sorensen

7/27-Scholastic/Randee Salisbury


Call To Order @ 7:00am.

Invocation by:  Ken Anderson.

Greeters:      Alan & Jenny Lucht.

88 Members & Guests:       

  1. Tressa Nichols-guest of Pam Galloway.
  2. Madison O’Connell-guest and daughter of Andrew O’Connell.

Birthdays:  John Burtoft and Jerry Clevenger.  Happy Birthday!


Ron Henry inducted:

  • Tressa Nichols who was sponsored by Pam Galloway.

Program:  Craig Alebach presented about Winona Lake Town Happenings this morning.  Thank you Craig!

Committee Reports/Announcements:

  • REMINDER: Next week we will be at Baker Youth Club (1401 E Smith Street) for one more meeting.  Trace Hansen is needing 1-2 people to help with set up on Tuesday afternoon.  Preferably someone with a truck to assist in picking up tables at Warsaw Party Rental.  Please contact Trace at 549-7889 or ASAP!!!
  • Jennifer Lucht and Kris Shipley were recognized for their commitment and dedication to club and serving as chairs for the Car Show and Triathlon.  Great job!
  • District Meeting will be on August 20th at Das Essenhaus.  Please contact Michele Bickel if you are interested in attending.
  • We need help with the Optimist Directory, please contact Jim Hayes if you can help.  Also contact him if any of your contact information has changed.

50/50: Ron Donkers is this weeks winner and he donated it back to the club!  

Sergeants-at-arms:  Tim Hamann entertained us.


  1. Next Week: Eric Bidinger/DNR .
  2. Thank You Guests & Speaker.
  3. Clean your tables.

Quote: “Throw away those books and cassettes on inspirational leadership.  Know your job, set a good example for the people under you.  That’s all the charisma you’ll really need to succeed.”  -Pat Summitt.

Thanks and have an Optimist Week!