Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Future Dates    

2/1 Fri.  First Friday downtown Fire & Ice, 4-H Chili fundraiser

2/2 Sat.  TriStar Basketball at BYC

2/6 Wed. Rebecca Bazzoni / Jacob’s Ladder

2/13 Wed. no morning meeting

2/13 Wed. evening Valentine’s banquet

2/20 Wed. Lindsey Best / Big Brothers Big Sister

2/21 Thur.  4-H Open House in County Building

2/26 Bill Landrigan Muscular Dystrophy fundraiser

2/27 Wed.  Erin Porter / Limitless Playground and Splash Pad

3/6 Wed. Angie Wood – Heartline

3/8 Fri.  Baker Youth Clubs Madness fundraiser at Wagon Wheel

3/13 Wed. Chad Zaucha / YMCA

3/15 Fri. Oratorical Contest

3/20 Wed. Oratorical Contest Winners

3/27 Wed. Dave Hoffert / Chief Academic Officer

4/17 Wed. Warsaw High School Band

5/19/13 Sun. Car Show

6/29/13 Sat. Triathlon

8/2 Fri. Big Wheel Race


Wednesday, January 30, 2013 

Our Meeting was led by Lt. Governor John Sullivan.


86 Optimists & 5 guests attended our meeting.  Rob Edling was the guest of Jason Matthews; Kyle Dukes was the guest of Tony Ciriello; Derek Finch was the guest of Max Mock; Keegan Tom was the guest of Angie Tom; and Cookie Gakstatter was the guest of Art Gakstatter.   

Door Greeters:  Sam Whitaker & Lyle Enyeart. 

Prayer:  John Elliott led us in prayer.

Pledge was given to the American flag. 

Promise yourself was said in unison. 

Martin Becker led us as we sang “Hail to Optimism.”

Birthday Honoree:  Justin Fleming.  Martin Becker led us in the birthday song with great results.

            >>>> INFORMATION

Prayer Requests:  Marv Miller’s continued recovery.


Membership:  Past Lt. Gov. Denny Andrews inducted Larry Bishop who is sponsored by Bob Ibach.     


Sheriff of Attendance Bill Landrigan and Deputy Harry Gigous greetedCraig Allebach and Mark Skibowski.


Our new directories are out.  Many thanks go to Jim Hayes, Dr. Jason Rich, and Trina Hoy for the long hours they put into this project.  Also thanks to those who advertized in our directory.


Lt. Governor John Sullivan reported that Past Gov. Ron Donkers as usual did a great job putting together last Saturday’s District Meeting.  Our Optimist Singers were a big hit.  Past Lt. Gov. Ot Schroeder was honored for coordinating the JOY Clubs in our district.  Past Lt. Gov. Sam Whitaker was honored for all he has done in our club and the district.


Joella Smyth introduced us to Edgewood Students of the Week:  Alexie DayJustin FlemingJamie GerkinDavid HolsclawDarby McDairmant,Lacy SmallwoodKathleen Smolen, and Savannah Taylor.


Car Show Chairman John Elliott chaired a planning meeting after today’s meeting.


Chris Wiggins announced our local TriStar Basketball will be at Baker Youth Club, 765 W. Market St, Warsaw, with registration at 9:30 a.m. and the event at 10 a.m.  The local competition is Saturday, February 2.  The February 9th regional has been cancelled.  All the local winners will go to state.  Please invite kids between the ages of 8 to 13.  The 1st 100 kids on the 2nd will get free t-shirts. 


President Elect Everett Nifong announced our Valentine’s banquet will be at the Shrine Building on February 13.  There will be a cash bar at 6:30 p.m. with a Social Time (not hour) until our Premium Buffet dinner at 7 p.m.  The infamous Love and Marriage Game will begin at 7:30 p.m.  The $20 per person will be invoiced.  Sign up sheets are on our tables.  

There will be no morning meeting February 13.


Bill Landrigan will be in “jail” raising money for Muscular Dystrophy Association on February 26.  In the past Coach Lichtenwalter took that spot.  Coach retired and nominated Bill.  Not to worry Bill.  You will not be alone. John Teevan will be there with you to give you some book learning.  As Johnsays, inmates are the best students.  In order to help Bill, write MDA commitment # 5561300017 in the memo of your check.  


Past President Jeff Owens announced our Oratorical Contest will be at Zimmer Corporate Headquarters on March 15.  The topic is “Why my voice is important.”    Major prizes are an Ipad Mini and a Nexus 7.   Volunteers are needed.


President Tracy Furnivall invited us to Baker Youth Club’s Madness fundraiser at the Wagon Wheel on Friday, March 8.


Past President John Elliott announced our Car Show will be downtown onSunday, May 19, 2013


Past Gov. Ron Donkers announced people are signing up for our Triathlon.  The date has been changed to the Saturday JUST BEFORE the 4th of July.  It will be Saturday, June 29, 2013.  Also this year in addition to a short swim after the traditional participants, there will be kid’s races for kid’s who are 11 to 12 or 13 to 14.


Video Editor Jim Hayes showed us a video of the infamous Love and Marriage game.


Please pray for our Troops and Families:   Cpt Richard Hurst – Army – Afghanistan – Chaplain


Sergeants-at-Arms:  John ElliottJoel Wihebrink, and Everett Nifongentertained us.

President Tracy Furnivall is expecting a grandchild.

Craig Allebach is a new ADA Co-ordinator.

Josh Gordon work with Bill  and Harry to get Mark Skibowski here.

Nick Deeter was noticed mentioning Optimist when he was honored by the Chamber of Commerce.

Tony Ciriello was in the paper helping to build up the youth in our community.

As we have been warned the messy table pays up.

We have been noticing Jason Matthews’ post it notes.

Jerry Clevenger is Man of the Year for our Chamber of Commerce.  Last Year it was Bill Landrigan.  Other past honorees: include John ElliottDr. David HainesNick DeeterLuke BecknellArt GakstatterJane Wear, and Rick Kerlin.



Our own Keegan Tom told us of his Vision Trust Mission Trip to Santo Domingo in the Dominican Republic with his Grandparents, Kip & Marsha Tom and his cousin, Reagan

Some of the things Keegan noticed is the traffic is crazy.  People stop for lights even less than they do here.  It was very hot.  There were lots of roadside shops filled with whatever people could find to sell.  The average income is around $200 per month.  The electricity comes and goes.  People splice into the power lines, making the power lines unsafe.  Most people do not have indoor plumbing.  The stream water or faucet water is not safe.  You brush your teeth with bottled water.  The safest place for Americans to stay is a tourist hotel.

They visited an orphanage for kids who were rescued from human trafficking.  They treated the kids to pizza (which they only get a couple times a year) and played soccer with them.  They left the kids some Bibles, soccer balls and other gifts.  They also visited a Christian school, where the kids go to school for half a day and then work up to 8 hours.   

The most common form of transportation is bicycles, sometimes with up to 4 people on one bike.  People do not maintain their cars.  They drive them and if they stop they stop.  Their car broke down on the road.  With Kip’s mechanical skills, he was able to get it running. 

They visited farmers where the local people flood the fields and plant rice by hand.  They use oxen to carry heavy loads of grain. 

This must have been a very valuable trip for Keegan, learning about real individual people in the third world along with seeing some of his grandfather’s interest in improving sustainable farming in the third world.