Wednesday, January 24, 2018
Attendance: 89
Greeters: Kevin Harter, Lisa Mahan
Invocation: Chris Mahan
Guests: Stephen Kays (Simon Stone), Laura Hartley (Chris Wiggins)
Membership: No readings or inductions
Birthdays: Ken Anderson, David Taylor, John Teevan, Joe Wilkey

Mike Poore, Regional President and CEO, Lutheran Health Network
Presentation: Mike Poore, Regional President and CEO, Lutheran Health Network
Lutheran Health Network (LHN) has 8 hospitals across the Northeast Indiana region and more than 100 practice locations. The health network also has 7 ground units (mobile intensive care units and EMS), 3 air ambulances, 4 surgical robots, 8 imaging centers, 10 urgent care centers, and the only transplant center in NE Indiana. Through 2021, LHN will be investing $21MM in Warsaw facilities and $500MM in the overall network. Investments include a new maternal/fetal transport program and an expansion of Lutheran Hospital’s ER.
Next Week’s Program: “Many Strands of Pearl Harbor” with local students presenting
Volunteers are still needed for The Warsaw Breakfast Optimist Club Tri-State Basketball Tournament to be held at the Baker Youth Club, Sunday February 18. Sign up sheets were available at the meeting. For more information, contact Chris Wiggins, Doug Baumgardner or Mitch Reinholt.
The Oratorical Contest is this Sunday at 2 p.m. in Philathea Hall, Grace College. Chris Mahan asked members to call him with any last minute registrations and invited anyone interested to attend.
Jenny Lucht reminded everyone to save the date for the Optimist Car Show to be held this year on May 20th. More information to come.
50/50: $83 with $41.50 going to the winner – Simon Stone
CEO Report: Brittany Petersen interviewed Paul Heaton. Paul, originally from Dayton, Ohio, came to the area in 1980 for Grace College. He is now a Detective Lieutenant with the Warsaw Police Department. His favorite club memory is helping struggling swimmers as a member of the Triathlon dive team. When he was little, he dreamed of becoming a police officer.
Sergeants-at-Arms: Brooke Hamstra, Sam Whitaker
Highlights include: Travis being fined because Paul Heaton provides him clients by making arrests. Joy Lavender was recognized for being named Warsaw Kosciusko Chamber Woman of the Year. Rich Haddad gave a happy dollar for his youngest son who recently married and in celebration of the wedding being over.