Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Upcoming Events:
1/28-History of Optimist/Doc Haines
2/4-Pottery Bayou/Gina Voelz
2/11-Tincaps/John Nolan
2/18-Lake City Roller Dolls/
2/25-Smart 911/
3/4-WCHS Poetry Contest Winners
3/11-PAC/Laurie Schotz
3/18-Oratorical Contest Winners
3/25-WCS CAO/David Roberts0n
Past President Sam Whitaker led our meeting.
84 Optimists & guests:
- Ivan Schuler-guest of Bob Ibach.
- Kyle Glaze-guest of Kyle Dukes.
- Jennifer Pyle-guest of Rick Kerlin.
- Jordan Foreman-guest of Sam Whitaker.
- Andrew O’Connell-guest of George Brennan
- Sue Mock-guest (wife) of Max Mock.
- WCHS Boys Basketball and coach Doug Ogle.
Door Greeters: Max Mock and John Kirkpatrick.
Prayer: Fred Nieter.
Pledge was given to the American flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Hail to Optimism was sung in unison.
Birthday Honorees: Roger Crouse, Tony Elliott & Joe Wilkey. Happy Birthday!
Check Presentation: None this morning.
Membership Chair, Kellie Malcolm, conducted
- 1st Reading for:
- Dennis Williams-Sponsored by Jim K. & Ann S.
- 2nd Reading for:
- Jennifer Pyle-Sponsored by Rick Kerlin.
- 3rd Reading for:
- Ivan Schuler-Sponsored by Bob Ibach.
CEO Report (Club Essential Optimists):
Jenna Secrist announced Max Mock.
Max has been a member since 1980 and was sponsored by Jerry Titus. His wife is Sue and his children are Carmen, Evan and Brent. He does not have any pets. His occupation is a Financial Advisor for Edward Jones. His hobbies include photography and cooking. Activities of interest are travel, hiking, biking and swimming. Warsaw has been his city of residence for 54 years. His burning desire is to live life abundantly. Something nobody knows about his is that he tried out with the Pittsburg Pirates and St. Louis Cardinals. His key to success is to be optimistic about everything you do and don’t burn bridges. Optimist memory is a story about Christmas tree sales and freezing rain. His honors include distinguished past President.
Committee Reports:
- Tri-Star Basketball-Feb. 8th @ 2pm, BYC. Local competition for kids ages 8-13, FREE event. Shoot free throws, layups, dribble through cones and pass the ball at a target.
- Oratorical Contest-March 6th this year as part of First Friday’s downtown.
- Car Show will be in May 17th this year.
- Golf Outing will be on June 18th.
- Indiana North District Meeting will be Jan. 23 & 24 at the Honeywell Center in Wabash.
- Please add to your safe sender email list!
- Are you on Facebook, be sure you go to our page ( and “Like Us.”
50/50: Gary Tanner was the winner of $54 this morning!
Video: None.
Sergeants-at-Arms: Jeff Owens Bob Jackson and Steve Hollar entertained us:
- 5 Things You Need To Know about….
- Chris Wiggins and marriage:
- Married/Single = Married.
- Anniversary date = 08/19/09.
- Wife’s birthday = 10/19/82.
- Success of past = being married.
- Future outlook = bright.
- Chris Wiggins and marriage:
- $1 Charge:
- Sam Whitaker for forgetting the CEO report in the agenda.
- Several members were charged for fact/fiction on State of the Union.
- David Robertson for changing the yellow light to green for a 2 hour delay.
- Ann Sweet for knowing that Century Link named the Seattle Seahawks stadium.
- Kellie Malcolm for saying “crap.”
- John Ames for being from Boston and having deflated currency.
- Optimistic $1:
- Trace Hansen for heading to Seattle tomorrow.
- Christopher Gabryluk announced that he and his wife are expecting their second child.
WCS Middle School Orchestra performed for us this morning. They did a great job too!
- Quote: “Optimism is the foundation of courage.” –Nicholas M. Butler.
- Invite a Guest.
- Clean up tables.
- Next Week’s Program: History of Optimism by Doc Haines.