Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Upcoming Events:


1/21-WCHS Middle School Orchestra/Doug Ogle

1/28-History of Optimist/Doc Haines 


2/4-Pottery Bayou/Gina Voelz

2/11-Tincaps/John Nolan

2/18-Lake City Roller Dolls



3/4-WCHS Poetry Contest Winners

3/11-PAC/Laurie Schotz

3/18-Oratorical Contest Winners

3/25-WCS CAO/David Robertsen



Past President Everett Nifong led our meeting. 

91 Optimists & guests: 

  • Ivan Schuler-guest of Bob Ibach.
  • Kyle Glaze-guest of Kyle Dukes.
  • Jennifer Pyle-guest of Rick Kerlin. 

Door Greeters:   Marty Becker. 

Prayer:  John Sullivan. 

Pledge was given to the American flag. 

Promise yourself was said in unison. 

Hail to Optimism was sung in unison.

Birthday Honorees:  James Layne, Will Thrasher, Ken Anderson, John Teevan and Dave Taylor.  Happy Birthday! 

Check Presentation:

None this morning. 


Mike Cox, conducted

  • 2nd Reading for:
    • Ivan Schuler-Sponsored by Bob Ibach.
  • New Member Induction conducted by John Sullivan for:
    • Kim Zink-Sponsored by Brooke Hamstra.
    • Greg Rauen-Sponsored by Joe Wilkey.
    • Tim Hamman-Sponsored by Andy Swihart. 

CEO Report (Club Essential Optimists):

Jenna Secrist announced Joe Thallemer.

Joe has been a member since 1980.  He has been married to his wife, Jill, for 35 years.  He has four children, a granddaughter and a grand dog.  He is an optometrist and the mayor.  His hobbies include cycling, optimist triathlon and photography.  His activities of interest include boating, college football, family time, traveling and spending time with his lovely wife.  He has been a resident of Warsaw for 42 years.  His burning desire is to serve the community faithfully and effectively before starting a new chapter.  Something nobody knows about him is that the flying monkeys on the Wizard of Oz never bothered him, however he is afraid of bears. His key to success is due diligence, collaboration, attention to detail, and thorough examination of both sides of an issue before making a decision.  His favorite Optimist memory is when Steve Hollar called him on a Friday night to inform him the Christmas Tree Lot Trailer was on fire, so he rushed to the fairgrounds to find out Steve and some of the members were playing cards inside the trailer.  His honors include serving the city of Warsaw as Mayor.

 Committee Reports:

  • Tri-Star Basketball-Feb. 8th @ 2pm, BYC. Local competition for kids ages 8-13, FREE event.  Shoot free throws, layups, dribble through cones and pass the ball at a target.
  • Oratorical Contest-March 6th this year as part of First Friday’s downtown.
  • Car Show will be in May this year.
  • Golf Outing will be on June 18th. 


50/50:  Mitch Goon was the winner of $1 this morning! 

Video:  None. 

Sergeants-at-Arms:  Jeff Owens and Steve Hollar entertained us: 

  • 5 Things You Need To Know about….
    • Jerry Clevenger:
      • 52 degree/60 degree wedge? = 60.
      • Cable/Satellite? = Cable.
      • Colts/Patriots? = Colts.
      • What was your New Years Resolution?  = None.
      • Comb/Brush?            = Neither. 
  • $1 Charge:
    • Joe Thallemer for forgetting his granddaughter.
    • Anyone who was born in OH.
    • Anyone named Kyle (or as Jeff Owens pointed out….this is Indiana’s version of Deryl and Deryl).
    • Fred Nieter and Ivan Schueler, nobody would have ever guessed that Fred has competition now!
    • Gina Voelz for being in the paper holding a box for UPS.
    • Paul Heaton for being in the paper.
    • John Elliot.
    • Rich Haddad for being inducted into an Indiana philanthropic committee by the Governor.
    • John Teevan for his gloves during the Optimist Birthday Song this morning. 
  • Optimistic $1:
    • Sam Elliot for Kyle’s diversion for his speeding ticket.
    • Trina Hoy announced that the PAC will be performing Simon and Garfunkle on Sunday, Jan. 18th at 2pm.
    • Joel Wiihebrink shared a funny story about his daughter answering the phone and hearing Dr. Hoffert’s recorded voice announcing school was closed.
    • Dave Taylor shared that he will be in Miami, FL for 3 weeks for work and then he will be returning back to IN.
    • Doc Haines announced that today is the 1st birthday of his 20th. 


Rich Haddad presented this morning for the K21 Health Foundation. He explained how the foundation works and discussed some of the recent and upcoming projects that the foundation has helped fund.  Great job and thank you for sharing with us! 

For more information go to their website:


  • Quote: “Few things in the world are more powerful than a positive push. A smile.  A word of optimism and hope.  And you can do it when things are tough.” –Richard M DeVos
  • Invite a Guest.
  • Clean up tables.
  • Next Week’s Program: WCS Middle School Orchestra/Guests: WCS Boys Basketball.