Wednesday, January 13, 2016
Wednesday, January 13,
Upcoming Events:
1/20-WCS Middle School Orchestra/Carolyn Stalcup
1/27-Lakeland Youth Chorale
2/3-History of Basketball/Jim Kessler
2/10-YEA!/Jennifer Pyle & Andrea Reed
2/17-WISE/Brooke Hamstra & Chris Mahan
2/24-The Trailhouse
President, Trace Hansen, led our meeting.
86 Optimists & guests:
- Jeffrey Crawford-guest of Jennifer Pyle.
- Jane Cope-guest and daughter of Don Kenipe.
- Mike Conley-guest of Art Gakstatter.
- Tom Brown-guest of Art Gakstatter.
- Diane Wulliman-Program.
- Patrick Haas-guest of Travis McConnell.
- Team of the Week: Warsaw Boys Basketball Team and Coach Doug Ogle.
Door Greeters: Bob Ibach & John Teevan.
Prayer: John Elliot.
Pledge was given to the American flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Hail to Optimism was sung in unison.
Birthday Honorees: Happy Birthday to David Mitchell, James Layne, Dave Taylor, John Teevan, Ken Anderson and one of the boys basketball players!
Check Presentation: Jeff Owens presented a check to Coach Kessler in the amount of $584 for KCCCF Hoops for Hope on behalf of our club.
Pam Galloway conducted:
- 3rd Reading:
- Jeffrey Crawford-sponsored by Jennifer Pyle
Optimist of the Month-December: Mickey Smethers was announced. Last month Mickey was a Santa for the Santa House and drove all the way to Mentone to go visit a little girl who could not make it to Center Lake Park. Great job spreading the Christmas spirit and impacting our youth in a positive way Mickey!
CEO Report:
Jennifer Pyle announced-Everett Nifong.
Member since-January 2006.
Anniversary-June 25.
Children-(2) Josh and Jared.
Grandchildren-(3) Jayla-3.5, Joel 1.5, & Lakelyn-1 month old.
Pets-Bentley the Main Coon cat.
City of residence-Warsaw since 2005.
Occupation-Commercial banker with Lake City Bank-30 year career.
Hobbies-Golf, cruise vacations and playing with grandkids.
Burning Desire-Shoot even par round of golf, win the lotto and retire.
Key to Success-Honesty, integrity, remaining objective and having a belief in what you do.
Honors-Past President, Chair Golf Outing, Past Sergeant, Past Pillar of the Community, Past Board Member, Past Chair of Membership.
Something nobody know-He is double jointed in his right hand (cross fingers twice all at once).
Favorite Optimist Memory-As new President for the January 14th meeting, he drove into the fairgrounds, noticed many people standing outside in the cold. We had changed caterers and new one did not obtain a key to enter the bulding. Thankfully Art Gakstatter had one, but breakfast was a little late that morning. Also selling Christmas trees with Joel W. Thank you Everett! We appreciate your dedication and ALL you do for the club!
Committee Reports:
- Jeff Owens-Oratorical Contest will be either on Friday, March 11th or 18th. We need volunteers, so contact Jeff if you are interested.
- Chris Wiggins-Tri-Star Basketball/Soccer will be held on Sunday, February 21st from 1-3pm. We need 20 volunteers to come out and help get the kids through the different drills.
- Everett Nifong-9th Annual Golf Outing will be in June. They are looking for Tee Sponsors and volunteers for the event. Planning to have the first committee meeting on February 8th at 5:15pm at Clevenger Insurance Agency.
- Announcements:
- District meeting on January 23rd at Ivy Tech in Fort Wayne, contact Michele Bickel if you are interested in attending.
- Board Meeting Recap:
- We have printed off Business Cards for the club. Feel free to take a stack of 10 and use them to invite guests to join us for breakfast! Big thanks to Trina Hoy for designing them!
Sheriff’s Report: Harry gave us an update on Bill Landrigan, he fell off a ladder and has some bruising, please keep him in your prayers.
50/50: Doc Haines won this week!
Videos: Chris Wiggins ½ court shot for push ups at the Tri-Star Basketball was played.
Sergeants-at-Arms: Bob Bishop, Tim Hamman and Joel Wihebrink entertained us…
$1 Fine:
- All the Bama fans for winning the National Championship.
- Chris Wiggins “placement cost” for the Lake City Bank ink pens placed on the tables with the Tri-Star sign up sheets.
- Kyle Dukes for buying 50/50 tickets from 3 weeks ago.
- Doc Haines for winning 50/50.
- Don Kenipe (our past lucky 50/50 winner) does NOT have a powerball ticket.
- Coach Kessler for winning the game. He attributed the victory to great defense and said they play again tonight.
- Doug Ogle left and his basketball team stayed for the meeting.
- Dave Taylor was in the paper with his customers and fans talking about the store when they were younger.
- Art Gakstatter announced you shouldn’t buy 50/50 tickets that say “Staples.”
- Fred’s joke of the week was funny Headlines.
Happy $1:
- Marty Becker mentioned Mark Spede the Clemson University Band Director had a tie to Warsaw (Bonus, Gina Voelz dated him at one time).
- Jeff Serveis daughter graduated Carol High School
- Coach Kessler for the boys basketball team.
- Jen Pyle announced she only has 10 more days until her wedding.
- Bruce Hansen said the Hawks played better than Minnesota.
Diane Wulliman came to present about the Indiana Bi-Centennial. The torch will go through our county on Thursday, September 29th. There will be events to celebrate and honor to come. Nominations are being taken through January 31st. If you have a good candidate complete the nomination form and send it asap! There is more information online at, for volunteering, sponsorship opportunities and to return nomination forms, please email: Thank you for presenting Diane, we appreciate the information and look forward to September this year!
- Invite a guest next week.
- Clean up tables.
Next Week’s Program: WCS Middle School Orchestra
- Quote: “If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, keep moving.” -Dr. MLK Jr.
Have a Great and Optimistic week!