Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Attendance: 94
Greeters: Frank Grose
Invocation: Joy Lavender
Guests (Hosts): Jude and Grace Ross (Trevor Ross’s children), Bill Lawrence (Rob Edling), Kevin Stone (Simon Stone), Heather Smith, Glen Hall (Brittany Petersen), WACC Students of the Week (recognized below)
Membership: Joey Hickerson conducting
1st Reading: Glen Hall (Brittany Petersen)
Birthdays: Michael Doub, Mark Terrell, Kevin Sandberg
Students of the Week: Ronna Kawsky of the Warsaw Area Career Center introduced the following students and their parents:
Remi Beckham (Kirk and Celise Beckham), Jack Horoho (Adam and Lana Horoho), Zach Howard (Mark Howard andDeydra Carpenter), Alex Knight (John and Beth Knight), Skyler Lampkin (Scott and Mary Lampkin), Hunter Lane (Benjamin and Shawna Lane), Zach McNulty(Lee and Gina Ratliff), Valerie Messmore (Brent and Renea Messmore), Nate Meyer (Robert and Holly Meyer), Jarett Orr (Thomas and Theresa Orr), Regan Rowland (Greg and Kassi Rowland), Morgan Smith (Gary and Melody Smith), Ciara Stout (Amber Dippon)
Ann Sweet announced a benefit dinner is being held March 3 from 4-7 at the Warsaw Family Worship Center to help Beth Reeves, one of our Penguin Point servers, with medical expenses following a stroke.
Martin Becker announced the Grace Wind Ensemble will be performing “Greetings from Europe” program at the Winona Heritage Room on March 23.
Pam Galloway shared the nostalgia photo of the day to promote the 60th Birthday Celebration to be held September 26. The photo was of John Elliott.
Rick Kerlin, conducting the meeting in President Steve Hollar’s absence, asked club members to keep the Hollar and Katip families in their thoughts.
50/50: $139 with $69 to winner Jason Gergely
CEO: Brittany Petersen interviewed Tony Ciriello. Tony is an 8-year member of the club. He and his wife of 13 years, Jan, have 5 kids between them and his first grandchild is on the way. Tony moved to the Warsaw area in 1980. He is a business manager for a local funeral home and the coroner. His favorite club memory was the day he was inducted.
Oratorical Contest Winner: Chris Mahan introduced Reagan Kauffman, son of club member Karen Kauffman and her husband Kent. Reagan presented his award-winning speech. Reagan will be going on to the district level contest in early April.
Program: John Nolan, Broadcasting & Media Relations Manager, for the Fort Wayne Tincaps shared a video and background about the single A affiliate of the San Diego Padres – including the park being named #1 Ballpark Experience by Stadium Journey for the 4th year in a row.