Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Upcoming Events:
3/4-WCHS Poetry Contest Winners
3/11-PAC/Laurie Schotz
3/18-Oratorical Contest Winners
3/25-WCS CAO/David Robertsen
President Rick Kerlin led our meeting.
90 Optimists & guests:
- Adam Reed-guest of George Brennan.
- Eric Nesbitt-guest (son) of James Nesbitt.
- Barb Smolen-check presentation.
- Aarshia Jain-guest (daughter) of Akash Jain.
- Kelsey Lockridge-guest (granddaughter) of Alan & Jenny Lucht.
- Warsaw Area Career Center Students of the Week:
- Ryan Cultice
- Zachary Webb
- Allison Miller
- Jubilee Stichter
- Alissa Compton
- Madelene Reeder
- Caleb Schooley
- Zachary Morris
- Allison Allen
- Tanner Klosowski
Door Greeters: Not sure this morning.
Prayer: Doug Baumgardner.
Pledge was given to the American flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Hail to Optimism was sung in unison.
Birthday Honorees: Ivan Schuler. Happy 80th Birthday!
Check Presentation:
George Brennan presented a check to Barb Smolen to the Warsaw Community Education Foundation in the amount of $1,000 for their efforts on the Community Quiz Bowl.
Jenna Secrist conducted:
- 2rd Reading:
- Adam Reed-Sponsored by George Brennan.
James Nesbitt inducted our two newest members:
- Ivan Schuler-sponsored by Bob Ibach.
- Andrew O’ Connell-sponsored by George Brennan.
Welcome to the club gentleman!
Committee Reports:.
- Oratorical Contest-March 6th this year as part of First Friday’s downtown. Optimist will be set up from 5-9pm. Contact Jeff Owens for more information.
- Car Show will be in May 17th this year, be sure to pick up your letter.
- Golf Outing will be on June 18th.
C.E.O Report
Jenna Secrist announced John Burtoft. John has been an Optimist member since 1982. He has been married to his lovely wife, Cheryl for 38 years and they have two children, Jonathan and Joseph. They have two cats named, Funzie and Patches. His occupation is Tokens & Tickets. For hobbies, he states he owns Tokens & Tickets. He has resides in Warsaw and has ever since he got his degree in teaching from Grace College where he decided he likes pinball better. He said he’s 63 years old and his burning desires are sizzled, but maybe he will have a game room at his house for his grandkids. Something nobody knows about John is he used to do photography for weddings and he said it was chaos and that again he decided that nobody would die from pinball. His wife is his key to his success. He also said that he can make $0.50 cents last an hour at the Holiday Inn…pinball game! John’s honors include being awarded the Mary Louise Lowe/Life award in 2010 and being a member of Optimist. Thank you for sharing and for being a vital member in our club!
- Aarshia Jain announced her KYLA Project, Love in a Sweater where she will be collecting sweaters for those in need. She asked for volunteers to help with her project and John Teevan literally took the sweater vest off his back and handed it to her!
- Invoices for dues, please pay Doug Baumgardner.
- We will have an Optimist Display for First Friday on March 6th from 5-9pm downtown.
- Optimist International Video Contest is underway, if you would like to help our chapter with this project please contact Rick Kerlin or Brooke Hamstra. We are looking for volunteers on this project submissions are due by April 15th.
- Warsaw Education Foundation-Community Quiz Bowl will be on Tuesday, March 17th at 7pm WCHS Tiger Den.
- Please add to your safe sender email list!
- Are you on Facebook, be sure you go to our page ( and “Like Us.”
50/50: Dr. Jenny Lucht was the winner of $50 this morning!
Sergeants-at-Arms: Jeff, Bob and Steve entertained us:
- $1 Charge:
- Jim Nesbitt for his 30 second induction.
- Andrew O’ Connell because computers and guns do have a connection.
- Any IU fan, since PU beat them twice this year.
- Gina Voelz for her daughter purchasing an Octagon tshirt.
- Mark Caurso for Harry Gigous having to stand in for him during the check presentation last week.
- 5 Things You Need To Know about….
- Chris Gabryluk:
- Favorite Season = Winter.
- Payday/Vacation Day = Payday.
- Eat at Home/Dine Out = Eat at home, he likes to cook.
- Are there any Polish butchers in Warsaw = No!
- Chris Gabryluk:
Ryan Andrew presented this morning. He told us about the Smart 911 program available in our county. Ryan informed us that we can text 911 if we have an emergency and need assistance. There are two other phone numbers to call if you have a non-emergency situation (574) 267-5667 and (574) 372-9511. The dispatch team takes over 1000 calls a day and they dispatch to 15 different police departments, 17 fire departments and 6 EMS response teams. They offer tours of their facility if you are interested, give them a call to set that up.
For more information check out the Smart 911 website:
- Invite a Guest.
- Clean up tables.
- Next Week’s Program: WCHS Poetry Contest Winners.
- Next Week’s Guests: Warsaw Community High School Students of the Week.
- Quote: “My optimism wears heavy boots and is loud.” –Henry Rollins.