Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wednesday, February 24, 2015

Upcoming Events:


3/2-The River/Kelly Thompson

3/9-WCHS Poetry Contest Winners

3/16-REAL Services

3/23-Oratorical Contest Winners

3/30-WCS CAO/David Robertsen


4/6-History of Scouting/Jim Reeve

4/13-SORE/Tim Meyer

4/20-Historical Museum/Dan Coplen

4/27-A.C.T.S./Clark Shepherd


President, Trace Hansen, led our meeting.

79 Optimists & guests:

  • Judie Meulink-Check Presentation.
  • Chris Bramlett-guest of Rick Kerlin.
  • Carson Kerlin-guest and son of Rick Kerlin.
  • Patrick Nesbitt-guest and son of Jim Nesbitt.
  • Julia Yestrebsky-guest of Trina Hoy.
  • Josh Ringer-guest of George Brennan.
  • Corrie-guest of Kyle Dukes.
  • Patrick Haas-guest of Travis McConnell.

Door Greeters: Rob & Brenda Edling.

Prayer: Jim Nesbitt.

Pledge was given to the American flag.  

Promise yourself was said in unison.

Hail to Optimism was sung in unison

Birthday Honorees: Happy Birthday to Kevin Sandberg, Carson Kerlin, and Corrie!

Check Presentation: Trina Hoy presented a check to Judie Meulink in the amount of $500 to help support Classic Arts.


Pam Galloway conducted:

2nd Reading:

  • Chris Bramlett-sponsored by Rick Kerlin.

CEO Report:  

Jennifer Pyle announced-Rich Haddad.

Member since-Early 2007.


Anniversary-Almost 31 years.

Children-(2) Kristi (Austin, TX) and Nick (Ann Arbor, MI).

Grandchildren-Not yet.

Pets-Heck No!

City of residence-Warsaw for 23 years.

Occupation-President and CEO of K21 Health Foundation (9 years).

Hobbies-Golf, water sports, exercise, and “used to be tennis.”

Burning Desire-To make a difference with the one life we are given.

Key to Success-Figure out what you are good at, and not so good at, and do your “good” stuff to the max!

Honors-Was scholar athlete his Senior year at Grace College.

Something nobody knows-He won a U93 dance contest when he came back from college to his high school homecoming game. This was while he was at Grace College, which didn’t allow dancing.

Favorite Optimist Memory-Hanging out with Jim Hayes at the first Car Show downtown. Getting to know him and trying to figure out what they were supposed to do with very little guidance. Oh yeah….and Christmas Tree sales!

Thank you Rich for all your service and support! We appreciate you and your dedication to our community and our club!

Committee Reports:

  • Jeff Owens-Oratorical Contest will be on Friday, March 11th. We still need participants so please help get the word out.
  • Chris Wiggins-Tri-Star Basketball/Soccer was held on Sunday, February 21st and we had 62 kids participate. Best attended one yet! Thank you to all who helped make this event a success.
  • Everett Nifong-9th Annual Golf Outing will be on June 16th.
  • Alan Lucht-Car Show will be on Sunday, May 15th. Please sign up to help volunteer!


  • Coach Doug Ogle spoke on behalf of the Warsaw Boys Basketball Team, they won the Northern Lakes Championship and they have a record of 20-1. They are doing GREAT this year and coach says there have a fine group of boys this year!
  • Coach Jim Kessler spoke about the Boys Grace College Basketball Team. The National tournament starts tonight. They host the National Christian Tournament coming up in a few weeks and they will play 35-37 games this season. His players are dedicated and are a great group this year!

Sheriff’s Report: No report this week, they did not receive the attendance sheets.

50/50: Christopher Gabryluk won this week!

Videos: 1) Optimist International Conference and 2) The Bachelor clip at BYC were shown this morning.

Sergeants-at-Arms:  Tim Hamman and Robert Bishop entertained us…

$1 Fine:

  • Doug Ogle for when his team came to club and he left early.
  • Rick Kerlin for Chris Bramlett’s extended time during his 2nd reading today.
  • Gina Voelz for going on mini vacation or for having her store floors refinished.
  • Brooke Hamstra for not listening when the winning ticket was announced and she WON a free gift card today!

Happy $1:

  • Chris Gabryluk gave $3 one for his daughter being baptized at Sacred Heart along with 2 others.
  • Jim Walmer donated for coach.
  • Trace Hansen for his passion for and inspiration in Ronnie (who was on The Bachelor video clip).  


Eric Lane from Fellowship Missions filled in as our Program today. He announced that April 1st will be their 6-year anniversary this year! Eric also talked about an event coming up on March 10th, A Night of Hope and Inspiration, to help raise funds. It will feature Ron Hall, co-author of the book, “Same Kind of Different as Me.” There are VIP tickets available or table and individual tickets as well. Thank you for all that you and your organization does for our community Eric! Great job presenting this morning!

For more information, contact:

Eric Lane:


Like them on Facebook:


  • Invite a guest next week.
  • Clean up tables.

Next Week’s Program: The River/Kelly Thompson.

  • Quote: “You can’t have a better tomorrow, if you don’t stop thinking about yesterday.”   -Unnamed.

Have a Great and Optimistic week!