Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Future Dates
03/23 War. Ed. Found. Com. Quiz Bowl
05/22 Car Show Fundraiser
06/26 Triathlon
72 Optimists & 26 guests attended our meeting: Tony Ciriello & Staci Young guests of Sam Whitaker; Amanda Fleming guest of Angie Tom; Bo & Noah Wright guests of Chris Wiggins; Lauryn Steffe guest of Tracy Horrell; Ben Garden guest of Mitch Goon; Dick Rooker, Mike Rees, Todd, Janice, & Leanna Engle, Gay & Cindi Trier, Ben & Lisa Koshnick, Chandler & Sawyer Stevens, Tony Kintzel, Dave Terry, Bob & Leanna Chan, Lori, Neil, & Owen Donahue, Alexi De-mopoulos guests of Jeff Owens. Door Greeters: Fred Nieter & Ed Nordstrom. Prayer was offered by Doug Ogle. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Birthday Hon-orees: John Kirkpatrick & Cindi Trier. Martin Becker led us with good results. Mystery Person Aaron Rovenstine reported 11 people shook his hand.
Prayer List: Bill Hilliard’s family.
Membership: Everett Nifong read Joy Lavender’s & Beth McHaffie’s 1st readings. Past Pres. John Elliott inducted Tony England. Dr. David Haines sponsored Joy, Trina Hoy sponsored Beth, & Tracy Horrell spon-sored Tony.
Call Everett Nifong to help with sponsors for our golf outing to raise funds for the club as a whole.
Lt. Gov. Jim Reeve announced we are looking for nominees for president elect & our board.
President Sam Whitaker thanked our Optimist Singers & Jim Nesbitt for entertaining us at our Valentine’s Dinner.
Troy Akers introduced us to Lauryn Steffe who was our Student of the Week from Warsaw Com. H.S. Susan McHenry & Tracy Horrell are coordinating our awards.
Dr. Steve Hollar thanked those who worked TriStar Basketball on Feb 6 & Feb 13. One of our champi-ons, Noah Wright, visited our meeting.
New Car Show Fundraiser: John Elliott reported we will be getting a letter showing us how we can each sponsor a trophy for $25. If enough trophies are sponsored, we might be able to stop selling Christmas Trees. John & Art Gakstatter are looking for 2 committee chairpersons. One for registrations and the other for the downtown merchants.
50/50: This week Don Kenipe won $33, which he gave to John Teevan for our Car Show.
Banner of Knowledge: Past Pres. John Elliott re-minded us that ours was a smaller struggling club until the 1970s when Howard Hoppus & Dr Charles Hollar led us to real growth.
George Brennan asked for volunteer proctors for the Warsaw Education Foundation’s Community Quiz Bowl from 6pm to 10 pm on 3/23/10. Please sign up by emailing If you want to be part of our team, see George.
Board member, John Sullivan presented Staci Young from the Warsaw Parks Dept. $250 & Tony Ciriello from the Kosc. Youth Leadership Academy $300.
Sherriff Bill Landrigan thanked all who came & packed our meeting.
Sergeant-at-Arms: John Barrett & Lyle Enyeart en-tertained us as they reminded us that Sherriff Rocky Goshert is running for re-election.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Daniel Hagan – Army
Program: Past Pres. Jeff Owens introduced Chan-dler Stevens & Owen Donahue, our Oratorical win-ners. Chandler told us about how cyber-communications can be bad, when used to bully chil-dren. Owen entertained us with our long ago forms of communication. Jeff thanked co-chair, Jerry Richardson, & those who worked our Oratorical Contest. Thanks go to our sponsors: John Elliott, Nick Deeter, & George Brennan. Thanks also go to John Elliott for the extra prize to a tied contestant.