Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Wednesday, February 3, 2015

Upcoming Programs:


2/17-WISE/Brooke Hamstra & Chris Mahan

2/24-The Trailhouse


3/2-The River/Kelly Thompson

3/9-WCHS Poetry Contest Winners


3/23-Oratorical Contest Winners

3/30-WCS CAO/David Robertsen


President, Trace Hansen, led our meeting.

84 Optimists & guests:

  • Michael Lyons-guest of Randy Polston.
  • Rachel Polston-guest and wife of Randy Polston.
  • Charlie Miller & Rachel Elsner-guests of Randy Polston.
  • Andrea Reed-Program.
  • Chris Bramlet-guest of Rick Kerlin.
  • AnnCuahuizo-guest of Doc Haines.
  • Brittany Lyon-guest of Jennifer Dorman.
  • Brian Brauchla-guest of John Kirkpatrick.
  • Students of the Week for Lakeview Middle School:
    • Josh Fisher
    • Alyssa Guiff
    • Thad Harges
    • Ryan Harris
    • Itzel Santa Maria Lopez
    • Nicholas Luna
    • Daniela Ochoa
    • Lia Perry
    • Elizabeth Stone
    • Hope Strunk
    • Annie Wottring

Door Greeters: Pam Galloway & Larry Bishop.

Prayer: Bob Jackson.

Pledge was given to the American flag.  

Promise yourself was said in unison.

Hail to Optimism was sung in unison

Birthday Honorees: Happy Birthday to Lyle Enyeart, Alan Lucht, Chis Hanson, Adam Heckaman, Chris Gabryluk, Tracy Furnivall and Ivan Schuler!

Check Presentation: Dr. Jenny Lucht presented a check to Renea Sayler in the amount of $300 to help support Junior Achievement.


Pam Galloway conducted:

  • 3nd Reading:
  • Brian Brauchla-sponsored by John Kirkpatrick.
  • 1st Reading:
  • AnnCuahuizo-sponsored by Doc Haines.
  • Max Mock inducted:
  • Dr. Michael Lyons-sponsored by Randy Polston.

CEO Report:  

Jennifer Pyle announced-Jane Wear.

Member since-11/12/1997.


Anniversary-March 26th.

Children-Five. All are between the ages of 25-35 and none are married.


Pets-Bella and Copper.

City of residence-Warsaw for 35 years.

Occupation-President/CEO of Cardinal Services.

Hobbies-Gardening, without gloves, hiking and wine tasting.

Burning Desire-To travel and volunteer more.

Key to Success-Engage, work through and recognize those you work with.

Honors-Kosciusko Chamber of Commerce Woman of the Year.

Something nobody know-She is retiring July 1st.

Favorite Optimist Memory-When Optimist members were racing around the meeting room in roller skates. Jerry Titus was anxiously waiting for Optimists to kill themselves. Thank you Jane! We appreciate your dedication to our community and ALL that you do for the club!

Committee Reports:

  • Jeff Owens-Oratorical Contest will be on Friday, March 11th. We really need participants so please help get the word out.
  • Chris Wiggins-Tri-Star Basketball/Soccer will be held on Sunday, February 21st from 1-3pm. Please help spread the word, for kids ages 8-13 to participate in basketball drills like passing, dribbling through cones, and shooting.
  • Everett Nifong-9th Annual Golf Outing will be on June 16th. They are looking for Tee Sponsors and volunteers for the event.


  • George Paton announced Patona Bay will be up at the Fort Wayne Boat Show at the Coliseum this week (Feb. 11-14th).

Sheriff’s Report: No report this week, they did not receive the attendance sheets.

50/50: Dave Taylor won this week!

Videos: None this week. 

Sergeants-at-Arms:  Joel Wihebrink and Robert Bishop entertained us…

$1 Fine:

  • Kyle Dukes had told a funny story involving training and stopping traffic.
  • Fred shared his weekly joke and asked for crowd participation this morning.
  • Harry Gigous for yelling at Joel Wihebrink.
  • Chief Whitaker for something, I couldn’t catch it all.
  • Bob Jackson for his son Joe Jackson needing lunch money.
  • Doc Haines for knowing who won, Sacred Heart Vikings and Washington Hornets.
  • George Paton for his commercial announcement today.
  • Happy $1: None today.


Andrea Reed from the Kosciuskso Chamber of Commerce presented this morning about Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!). Students to learn how to launch and run their own real businesses in Kosciusko County. It is currently a 9-month business plan and development held for Seniors at Tippecanoe Valley High School. It gives them real world application and experiences. They get to work hand and hand with a local business person as their mentor to bounce ideas and ask questions about their business. They have the opportunity to present in front of a local panel. It is a unique program and the class size has doubled since it started 2 years ago. It is a great transition from high school to college. Great job Andrea, and thank you for sharing!

For more information, contact:

Andrea Reed (574) 267-6311               

Like them on Facebook:


  • Invite a guest next week.
  • Clean up tables.

Next Week’s Program: WISE/Brooke Hamstra and Chris Mahan.

  • Quote: “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”    -Abraham Lincoln

Have a Great and Optimistic week!