Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Upcoming Events:


12/16-Kosciusko Cares/Marsha Carey

12/23-Christmas carols                                                                                 

12/30-White Elephant Auction


President, Trace Hansen, led our meeting.

57 Optimists & guests:

  • Michael Lyons-guest of Randy Polston.
  • Conrad Forks-guest of Mickey Smethers.
  • Darren Meier-guest of Dave Turner.
  • Cory Reinke-guest of Kyle Dukes.
  • Tammy Cotton & Lorna Snodgrass-guest of Trina Hoy.
  • Sarah Wright-guest of Jeff Owens.
  • Antonio Mantey-guest of Jon Fussle.
  • Warsaw High School Gymnastics Coach, Megan Kammerer, and Team members.

Door Greeters:  Randy Polston & David Robertson.

Prayer:  Jim Nesbitt.

Pledge was given to the American flag.  

Promise yourself was said in unison.

Hail to Optimism was sung in unison. 

Birthday Honorees:  Happy Birthday to Jason Zaugg, George Brennan, Chis Kehler, Jonathan Harding and Larry Bishop!

Check Presentation:  Art Gakstatter presented a check to Tammy Cotton for the Rose Home located in Syracuse in the amount of $350.  The money will help purchase lunch for their Christmas party on Friday, December 11th 


Mike Cox conducted:

  • 2nd Reading:
    • Jeff Servies-sponsored by John Kirkpatrick.
  • 1st Reading:
    • Darren Meier-sponsored by Dave Turner

CEO Report: 

Jennifer Pyle announced-Trina Hoy.

Member since-Summer 2006.


Anniversary-August 28, 2010.

Children-(2) Daughters, Kalee Tuggle and Shyloh Hoy.

Grandchildren-3 Granddaughters, Melody & Maggie Tuggle and Kyla Wood.

Pets-No, but 2 grand dogs (Toby & Snoop).

City of residence-Warsaw for a long time.

Occupation-Currently unemployed, gave her notice on November, Friday the 13th.

Hobbies-Photoshop, graphic art and choral singing. 

Burning Desire-To sing with the Manhattan Transfer.

Key to Success-Be honorable, be passionate and be yourself.

Honors-First place in Communication Excellence from the Indiana Chamber Executive Association in 2013, Optimist of the Year in 2010, Past President, Board of Directors, Sergeant of Arms.

Something nobody know-Had a conversation with former Vice President Dan Quayle when he was Vice President.

Favorite Optimist Memory-There are a lot of memories, but her favorite is when the club got an unexpected visit from Father Time and the New Year’s Baby a few years back. Thank you Trina!  We appreciate your dedication and ALL you do for the club!

November Optimist of the Month: Awarded to Fred Nieter.  Thank you for all you do for the club Fred! 

Committee Reports:

  • Santa House-Andrew O’Connell announced a great turnout last week for First Friday and the remainder of the weekend down at Center Lake Park went well too! The Santa House will be at the Center Lake Park again this weekend, Friday 6-8pm, Saturday 4-6pm and Sunday 2-4pm.  Make sure you bring your family by! 


  • December 23rd we will have Flaming Cherries Jubilee.
  • Optimist Singers will be at B’Mac’s on Dec. 24th at 6:30pm.
  • Reminder the Club needs YOUR help. We are looking for:
    • Members to help with the Program Committee for next year.
    • Jim Hayes is looking for some help on the slides for the weekly meetings as well as the Certificates next year.
  • We will be passing the Tip Basket for the Penguin Point servers next week, so please plan accordingly. They do a great job every week for us!
  • Kris Shipley, Jim Hayes and Ron Donkers attended a Chicago Triathlon Symposium on Saturday to learn about safety in running a Triathlon and much more! 

Sheriff’s Report:  Bill Landrigan provided a report.

50/50:  Jim Bricker was today’s winner!

Videos:  Touching West Jet Blue Christmas was played.  It was a great video! 

Sergeants-at-Arms:   Robert Bishop, Tim Hamman and Joel Wihebrink entertained us:

$1 Fine:

  • Jim Bricker for winning 50/50.
  • Several members for packing heat, Joel felt very safe with all the police officers in attendance this morning.
  • Jim Reeve for his picture in the paper. He helped raise $2,500 for a little girl who is having severe health problems in our community.
  • Jen Pyle for her marriage license being in the paper.
  • Cory Reinke just graduated. 

Happy $1:

  • None today.


Ronna Kawsky from the Warsaw Area Career Center presented this morning.  They focus on the industry and provide resources for students to be successful.  Warsaw’s Career Center is 27-28th largest in the state with the 4th highest college credits earned.  They are adding new academies next year and continue to grow!  Great job Ronna.  Thank you for sharing with our group this morning!


  • Invite a guest next week.
  • Clean up tables.
  • Next Week’s Program: 12/16- Kosciusko Cares/Marsha Carey
  • Quote: “Everything that happens to you is your teacher.  The secret is to learn to sit at the feet of your life and be taught.”

Have a very Optimist week!