Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Attendance: 100

Greeters: Jody Claypool, Jim Kessler

Invocation: Rick Swaim

Guests:  Mike Hawkins (Jeff Servies), Mark Marley (Rick Kerlin), Lucas Harvey (Octagon Club President)

Birthdays: Jim Hayes, Mike Metzger, Troy Tom, Steve Wysong – Larry Tucker and Rick Swaim were also included this week. President Steve Hollar explained birthdays are included that fall from the day of the previous meeting to the current meeting.

Membership: Joey Hickerson conducting

1st Reading: Mike Hawkins (Jeff Servies), Mark Marley (Rick Kerlin)

Check Presentation: Lucas Harvey, Octagon Club President, presented a check for $500 to Baker Youth Club to help sponsor the youth Christmas Party. Tracy Furnivall, Executive Director, accepted the check on behalf of BYC.

Committee Reports/Announcements: 

White Elephant Auction – President Steve Hollar announced the annual white elephant auction will take place during the December 27 meeting. Remember to bring an item from home on that day. Also on that day, the Cub Scouts will be visiting.

Pam Galloway reported all 24 shifts for the Salvation Army bell ringing were filled last Saturday. Members helping were recognized.

Oratorical Contest – Chris Mahan encouraged members to recruit youth for the contest to take place January 28th. The contest flyer and applications were distributed at the meeting. The contest flyer and application can also be downloaded by clicking here.

Elves for Elders – Jenny Lucht announced that next week gifts for the Elves for Elders programs will be delivered. If you wish to help distribute the gifts, stay after next week’s meeting to participate.

Santa House – Santa House has been moved to Central Park for the remainder of the Christmas season. A Santa is still needed for December 16. Please contact Andrew O’Connell if you are interested in volunteering.

Sergeants-at-Arms: Jeff Owens, Gina Voelz, Sam Whitaker

An informal Santa audition took place when Sergeant Jeff Owens asked all those who had never played Santa to stand. Jill Boggs had the best “Ho, Ho, Ho” of the group. Also all the “Doctors” of the club were asked to come forward and try their skill at healing a patient by playing a game of Operation.

50/50: $63.50 to winner Jeff Owens

Program: Scott Hinderman, A.E.E., Executive Director of Airports for the Fort Wayne Allen County Airport Authority, gave a presentation entitled “Up, Up and Away from FWA.” Hinderman explained that the airline industry has been affected by industry consolidation and an increasing pilot shortage. The pilot shortage is increasing because of the military training fewer pilots and also in part due to the high cost of flight school. These challenges have led to many regional airports seeing decreases in their service. However, FWA has continued to see growth. In fact, the airport serves approximately 730,000 passengers per year, beating the industry average for airports its size. It also serves 12 non-stop destinations and is working to add Denver to that list. The economic impact FWA has in our region is significant at an estimated $975 million. The airport also supports 877 on-airport jobs with 33 employers on the campus. Changes coming soon to the airport include an Ardmore Road expansion, terminal entrance reconfiguration, new corporate hangar development, runway rehabilitation, and an air show in 2019.