Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Upcoming Events:
1/6-Magical Meadows/Tammy
1/13-Indiana Bi-Centennial/Diana Wulliman
1/20-WCS Middle School Orchestra/Carolyn Stalcup
1/27-Lakeland Youth Chorale
2/3-History of Basketball/Jim Kessler
2/10-YEA!/Jennifer Pyle & Andrea Reed
2/17-WISE/Brooke Hamstra & Chris Mahan
2/24-The Trailhouse
President, Trace Hansen, led our meeting.
67 Optimists & guests:
- Jeff Owens brought his wife, Vicky, and two nephews, Alex Cook and Jeremy McCarthy as guests.
- Randy Polston brought his grandson as a guest.
- Chad Zaucha brought his daughter, Brecki, as a guest.
Door Greeters: Ivan Schuler & Mitch Goon.
Prayer: Dave Benning.
Pledge was given to the American flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Hail to Optimism was sung in unison.
Birthday Honorees: Happy Birthday to Bob Ibach and Joe Sutton!
Check Presentation: Jennifer Pyle presented a check to Jane Wear in the amount of $1,000 for WIC (Women, Infants & Children) on behalf of our club.
Pam Galloway conducted:
- 2nd Reading:
- Jeffrey Crawford-sponsored by Jennifer Pyle
Jim Reeve inducted:
- Trevor Ross-sponsored by John Elliot. Welcome to the club Trevor!
CEO Report:
Jennifer Pyle announced-David Meier.
Member since-2005.
Anniversary-30 Years next September.
Children-(1) Aleasha, 29 and lives in Houston, TX.
Grandchildren-None yet, daughter is currently single.
Pets-2 mountain fbist dogs.
City of residence-Beaver Dam Lake for 30 years.
Occupation-Chief Operations Officer at Penguin Point.
Hobbies-Fishing, fishing, fishing.
Burning Desire-to fish more and be paid for it.
Key to Success-Determination.
Honors-To be the father of a beautiful, independent girl.
Something nobody know-He jumped out of a perfectly good airplane in 1976 on purpose.
Favorite Optimist Memory-Selling Christmas trees in the trailer with Jerry Titus. Thank you Dave! We appreciate your dedication and ALL you do for the club!
Committee Reports:
- None at this time.
- Announcements:
- District meeting on January 23rd at Ivy Tech in Fort Wayne.
- Mobile Meals needs help with January deliveries. Call Jamie at 267-2012.
Sheriff’s Report: Bill Landrigan gave a report.
50/50: None this week!
Videos: Typewriter video and Carbonoro Effect with bubbles were played.
$1 Fine:
- Trevor Ross, new member.
- Anyone who has New Years Resolutions.
Happy $1:
- Tim Hamman for his daughter who just graduated college, and had the highest GPA in her graduating class.
Our annual White Elephant Gift Auction was the program this morning. It was a lot of fun and we had everything from a “white elephant” to an empty gift bag and a lot of things in between! A big thanks to Merl and Bill for being such great auctioneers!
- Invite a guest next week.
- Clean up tables.
Next Week’s Program: Magical Meadows/Tammy
- Quote: “I never worry about being driven to drink; I just worry about being driven home.” -W.C. Fields.
- “Youth is when you’re allowed to stay up late on New Year’s Eve. Middle age is when you’re forced to.” –Bill Vaughan.
Have a safe and Happy New Year and an Optimistic week!