Wednesday December 26, 2018
Attendance: 41
Invocation: Doc Haines
Greeters: Tracy Fitzgerald, Jeff Owens
Guests: Chuck Yeager (Doc Haines), Ella Hansen (Trace Hansen)
Announcements: 1) Daren Maierle reported on Santa House. He said “What a wonderful time!” He said they heard stories that warmed their hearts and stories that broke their hearts. He related a very touching story of how he tracked down a ten year old girl who said at Santa House that she wanted a Barbie doll for Christmas. With the help of Kyle Dukes, he was able to find her and get a Barbie doll to her on Christmas Eve! Daren also said they received many compliments and were thanked many times. Thanks to Charlie Wagner the Santa House will be able to get new siding and a new roof.
50/50(Kris Farwell): None
Membership: None
Induction: None
Sergeants: None
Program: White Elephant Sale
Happy New Year everybody!