Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Future Dates
12/24 Optimist Singers at BMacs
12/29 White Elephant Auction
1/5 Tracy Furnivall—BYC
1/12 Chad Briscoe—Grace Athletic Dir.
3/11 Oratorical Contest
6/25/11 Triathlon
70 Optimists & 8 guests attended our meeting: Tay-lor & Ashley Cassel guests of Lisa Cassel; Sierra Derrossett guest of Lecia Derrossett; Cory Rogers guest of Lt. Gov Jim Reeve; Michelle Voss guest of Past Lt. Gov. Juergen Voss; Judy Becker & Bryce Lippe guests of Martin Becker; Barbara Gigous guest of Harry Gigous.
Door Greeters: Past Pres Jeff Owens.
Prayer was offered by Henry Church.
Pledge was given to the American Flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Birthday Honorees: Past Lt. Gov Jerry Titus & Coach Jim Kessler. Martin Becker led us with very good results.
Prayer List: Marilyn Kenipe is at Grace Village re-covering from back surgery.
Membership: Scott Whitaker read Cory Rogers & Kevin Day’s applications. Lt. Gov. Jim Reeve spon-sored Cory & Trina Hoy sponsored Kevin.
Boys & Girls Club: Luke Becknell thanked all who bought, wrapped, or paid for gifts. Special thanks to Lisa, Taylor, & Ashley Cassel and Lecia & Sierra Derrossett for wrapping numerous gifts.
Santa House: Jane Greene thanked all who worked our Santa House. Thanks to Jim Hayes for setting up the sound system, Past Lt. Gov. Ot Schroeder & Jerry Clevenger for organizing the Octagon elves, & Art Gakstatter & his helpers for moving it twice as often this year. Angie Tom, Jane Greene, Tammy Keirn, Trina Hoy, & Cathy Mullett did a great job organizing the house.
Charles Neuwirth presented Past Pres. Sam Whitaker with $1,015 from Owen’s from their Christmas Tree sales. Charles said Owen’s sold 58 trees last year. This year they sold 200. Harry Gigous thanked those who helped set up & take down the display.
Martin Becker invited all to hear our Optimist Sing-ers at BMacs 12/24 at 7am.
President Joel Wihebrink reported we gave a gratu-ity of $263 to our wonderful servers from Penguin Point.
Triathlon: June 25, 2011
Video Editor Jim Hayes showed us an inspirational video of a ―flash mob‖ of a church choir singing the Hallelujah chorus in a mall food court.
50/50: Don Kenipe won $30.
Sergeants-at-Arms: Jeff Owens, Denny Andrews, & Dr. David Haines, entertained us. Dr. Jason Rich made it back to club now that his daughter is 3 months old. Fred Nieter has a new great grand-daughter. Ken Anderson was recognized for his good work 10 years ago. It was good to see Art Gakstatter safe after the trip here on the ice. We like Dave Illingworth’s pumpkin cake recipe. Past Lt. Gov. Dr. David Haines reported Barbara has a new fur coat in the garage. Our wonderful servers found a way to get an uncooked boiled egg to Merl Hecka-man for Christmas.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Major Ryan Plank – Army – (Orthopedic Surgeon) Iraq
Program: Song Leader Martin Becker led our Opti-mist Singers in our Christmas program. They sang: ―Way Down in Bethlehem‖; ―Go Tell it on the Moun-tain‖; ―Fun, Fun, Fun‖; ―Deck the Halls.‖ Judy Becker & Martin Becker played ―O Little Town of Bethlehem‖ on their flute & coronet. Bryce Lippe sang ―Do You Hear what I Hear.‖ Bryce is in the State Honor Choir and will perform at the Embassy Theater in Fort Wayne. Judy Becker played ―Silent Night‖ on her flute while Pastor Henry Church read the Christmas story. We closed as we all sang ―We Wish You a Merry Christmas.‖