Wednesday, December 20. 2017

Attendance: 100

Greeters: Everett Nifong, Joel Wihebrink

Invocation: Bill Landrigan

Guests: Mike Hawkins (Jeff Servies), Paula Ibach (Bill Ibach), Mark Marley (Rick Kerlin)

Birthdays: Michelle Bickel, Larry Bishop, Robert Bishop, George Brennan, Trevor Ross, Paul Wagner, Kevin Weaver

Membership: Rick Kerlin Conducting

2nd Reading: Mike Hawkins (Jeff Servies)

3rd Reading: Mark Marley (Rick Kerlin)

Warsaw Breakfast Optimists Getting into the Christmas Spirit

Committee Report:

Elves for Elders – Jenny Lucht recruited volunteers to deliver a few last minute packages for REAL Services Elves for Elders program to Mentone and Syracuse area.

President Steve Hollar reported the passing of the bucket to honor our servers raised $563.  He also shared letters to Santa from the Santa House.

The club received a thank you from our server Beth for adopting her kids for the holiday.

Santa House – Andrew O’Connell reported the program has been so popular this year, they may extend Saturday hours next Christmas Season. The Parks Department has also requested that the house be open on Christmas Eve and the Department will supply a Santa if needed. Anyone interested in helping Sunday, please contact Andrew.

Tracy Furnivall reported that the Baker Youth Club with help from club donations had one of the best Christmas parties ever for its kids handing out around 175 gifts. The Syracuse party would be around the same size.

Chris Mahan encouraged members to help recruit participants for the annual Oratorical Contest to take place January 28th at Grace College. Please check the Warsaw Optimist Facebook page for postings about the contest and share on your own page. Contest flyer and applications can be downloaded by clicking here. Contact Chris Mahan if you have questions.

Warsaw Breakfast Optimist Club 60th Anniversary Bash – Our flashback photo today was of Pam Galloway when she was just 3 years old. Remember to mark your calendars and save the date for the party –  Wednesday, September 26, 2018!

CEO Report: Brittany Peterson featured Bruce Hansen. Bruce has been a member since 2008, joining shortly after moving to Warsaw from the state of Washington.  He has been married to his wife Becky for 49 years. His past careers include being a firefighter for 20 years, a teacher, and a principal. Bruce has 5 college degrees from 4 different colleges. He shared a memory of selling Optimist Christmas Trees and his partner, Bill Landrigan, showing up late in a suit and tie. Bruce thought this attire was strange until he heard Bill had been interviewing and accepted an assistant principal position for which Bruce was also interviewing.

Michele Bickel Accepts Check for Joe’s Kids

Check Presentation: President Steve Hollar presented a check for $1,800 to Joe’s Kids. Michele Bickel, Joe’s Kids Director of Community Relations, accepting the check for the organization explained the money would be used to provide t-shirts to children in the program when they meet their goals.

50/50: None

Sergeants-at-Arms: Jeff Owens, Sam Whitaker, Brooke Hamstra

Some highlights included: Sam fining Bruce Hansen saying he had to be at least a 100-years-old with a history like his. Daren Maierle being cited for his light up “Fragile” A Christmas Story leg lamp sweater. Brittany Peterson not being able to think of why she would be on Santa’s “nice list” so Jeff put her back on the “naughty list”.

Program: Learning by the Lake & Scholar by the Shores, A Brief History of Grace College by Terry White

  • History of Grace College traces back to the religious freedom movement in Germany and the founding of the Brethren Church movement in 1708. Alexander Mack was the leader of the movement.
  • After coming to America, the church spread out across the country following US 30 so it was referred to as the Route 30 Church.
  • Grace got its start when its 3 founders left Ashland Theological Seminary coming together at a conference in Winona Lake.
  • Grace Theological Seminary was first located in Akron, Ohio but moved to Winona Lake in 1939. In 1948, a 2-year college was added and then, in 1954, Grace College started offering 4-year degree programs.
  • There have been 6 presidents of Grace since its founding.

Next Week’s Program: White Elephant Auction – Bring a wrapped white elephant gift for the auction and expect lots of laughs and fun!