Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Future Dates
11/27 – 12/19 Christmas Tree sales
12/4 – 12/20 Santa House
12/9 & 16 Boys & Girls Club gifts
12/11 Grace Holiday Concert
12/11 & 12 Hoops for Hope
12/14 Board Meeting
12/19 Salvation Army bell ringing
12/19 H O W house raffle
12/20 Optimist Skating Party
02/12 Oratorical Contest
85 Optimists & 4 guests attended our meeting: Aaron Rovenstine guest of Rocky Goshert; Steve Fer-ber & Troy Akers guests of Tracy Horrell; ; Troy Tom guest of Jeff Owens. Door Greeters: Bart Templeton & Mitch Goon. Prayer was offered by Bob Jackson. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Birthday Hon-orees: Jim Hayes. Martin Becker led us with musical results. Mystery Person Ed Nordstrom reported 23 people shook his hand.
Prayer List: Roger Crouse’s family at the passing of his father. Steve Wilson’s family at the passing of his daughter, Megan. Bill Hilliard is finished with his trial program. His voice may come back. Daniel Elliott’s follow-up consists of 3 shots of chemo a week until Oct 2010.
Membership: Everett Nifong read Aaron Roven-stine’s 3rd, Chuck Bingham, Troy Tom, Troy Akers, Steve Ferber’s 2nd readings. Sam Whitaker spon-sored Aaron, Dr. David Haines sponsored Chuck, Jeff Owens sponsored Troy Tom, Tracy Horrell sponsored Troy Akers, Bob Jackson sponsored Steve.
Luke Becknell & Joel Wihebrink are coordinating the $10 gifts for the Boys & Girls Club kids.
Merl Heckaman is looking for help ringing the bell for Salvation Army Dec 19 at Wal-Mart.
Christmas Tree Sales: Past Pres. Jim Reeve re-ported we have sold 65 of 300 trees. Ron ―Sven the Swed‖ Donkers taught us how to sell Christmas Trees.
Martin Becker invites all to the 12/11 Grace Holiday Concert at 7:30pm at Rodeheaver.
Trace Hansen invited us to an Optimist Skating So-cial Party, 12/20 from 6:30pm to 8:30, for Optimist’s families & grandkids. Bring a desert. Free drinks. Bouncehouse, skating, socializing, football on projec-tor. Come have a fun Optimist Family Christmas event.
Santa House opens 12/4. Sign up to work with Trina Hoy, Jane Greene, Tammy Keirn & Angie Tom. Santas & helpers are still needed. Art Gakstatter & team are moving the house to Kmart today.
Bob Jackson & Coach Jim Kessler announced this year’s Terry Polston, Hoops for Hope will be Dec 11 at 6 & 8pm & Dec 12 at 1 & 3pm. Proceeds go to the Kosciusko County Cancer Care Fund. Tickets are $5. Come 12/11 at 7pm for a tribute to Officer Polston.
Jeff Owens announced our Oratorical Contest is Feb. 12 at Rodeheaver. Jeff Owens is looking for a co-chair & sponsors. Call Jeff to co-chair or sponsor. A sponsor is needed now, so the brochures can be printed.
Stacey Cox saluted: Tracy Horrell, joined in 2008, heads our Student of Week & Art in the Park pro-grams, has participated in our Triathalon, is a board member, & was Rookie of the Year. John Elliott, joined 1973, has 35 years perfect attendance, is past president, Rookie of the Year, board member, Tris-tar coordinator. In his presidency we switched from fish frys to the Triathlon. John won the initial Raclin Lifetime Achievement Award. Stacey needs stories on Harry Gigous & Trina Hoy for next week.
Sherriff Bill Landrigan was badged by Sherriff Rocky Goshert. Several callees were here today.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Merl Heckaman, Jay Tate, & Lyle Enyeart: Joel Wihebrink is a licensed ship cap-tain. Mary Ellen Jordan is happy that Mary Ann Gradeless is moving here. The Donkers & Cham-bers are vacationing in Florida. Dr. Steve Hollar has been cheering the Tigers. Dr. Jason Rich’s wife snuck him home. John Sullivan’s wife has done the lawn work for him.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Pfc Dwight Kohler – Army – Korea
Next Week: Dr. Ronald Manahan, President of Grace College & Seminary.
Program: Motivational speaker, Greg Jaggers,