Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

 Upcoming Events:



12/31 White Elephant Auction




President Rick Kerlin led our meeting. 

86 Optimists & several guests: 

  • Vicky Owens-wife of Jeff Owens.
  • Tim Hamman-Guest of Andy Swihart.
  • Elaine Kramer-wife of Ronald Kramer.
  • Brad Voeltz-husband of Gina Voelz.
  • Barbara Gigous-wife of Harry Gigous.
  • Gregory Railin-Guest o Joe Wilkey.
  • Octagon Club members. 

Door Greeters:   Jenna Secrist & Joe Wilkey. 

Prayer:  Luke Becknell. 

Pledge was given to the American flag. 

Promise yourself was said in unison. 

Hail to Optimism was sung in unison. 

Birthday Honorees:  Kevin Weaver, Michele Bickel, Paul Wagner, Kellie Malcolm, Jim Kessler, Jerry Titus, Chad Zaucha and John Ames.  Happy Birthday! 

Check Presentation:  None this morning. 


Kellie Malcolm, Membership Chair, conducted

  • Third reading for:
    • Tim Hammann-Sponsored by Andy Swihart.
  • First reading for:
    • Greg Railin-Sponsored by Joe Wilkey.

CEO Report (Club Essential Optimists):

Jenna Secrist announced Larry Tucker.

  • Steve has been an Optimist member since January 1978. He has been married to Roberta for 58 years.  He has 4 children and 11 grandchildren.  He does not have any pets.  He is a retired State Farm Agent.  His hobbies include wood working and gourd decorating.  He enjoys fishing and basketball and watches almost all sporting activities on TV.  He resides in Warsaw and has for 57 years.  His burning desire is to go on some cruises and possibly go back to Switzerland and Jerusalem again!  Something no one knows about him is that his wife is the only girl he has ever dated and he started dating her before he even had his driver’s license.  His key to success is treating customers as he would want to be treated.  Not selling products that customers do not want and was not right for them.  He had some customers all 37 years because of the way he did business.  His honors include 36 years perfect attendance and eighteen Millionaire Trips with State Farm.  His favorite Optimist memory involves selling Christmas Trees with other Optimist members and preparing the Charlie Brown trees.  Thank you for sharing and being an ESSENTIAL member in our group!

Committee Reports:

  • None this morning. 


50/50:  Jerry Clevenger was our winner this morning!  

Video:  None. 

Sergeants-at-Arms:  Jeff Owens, Bob Jackson and Dr. Steven Hollar entertained us: 

  • 5 Things You Need To Know about….
    • Aaron Rovenstine:
      • Do you prefer a white Christmas?      = Yes.
      • Santa Fact/Fiction?                               = Fact.
      • Best gift ever gotten?                              = ?.
      • Best gift ever given?                                = ?.
      • Naughty or nice?                                     = Nice. 
  • $1 Charge:
    • Mitch Reinholt for a 5 generation family picture.
    • Marty Becker for a band in a box, what about Prince Albert in a can? 
  • Optimistic $1:
    • Ann Sweet for her family visit with Kobe Bryant.
    • Trina Hoy said thank you to the club for supporting Big Brother/Big Sister financially as well as with our time by volunteering.
    • John Elliot gave $2 for Alan & Jenny Lucht picking up the Car Show stuff.



Our very own Optimist Singers put on a great production this morning!  Great job!



  • Reminder for next week’s Program – No meeting, Merry Christmas everyone!
  • Clean up tables.
  • Invite a Guest.
  • Quote of the week: “If you can dream it you can do it.” -Walt Disney.