Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Future Dates
11/27 – 12/19 Christmas Tree sales
12/4 – 12/20 Santa House
12/18 Optimist Singers @ Health & Wellness
12/19 Salvation Army bell ringing
12/19 H O W house raffle
12/19 CCS concert @ Elks
12/20 Optimist Skating Party
12/23 Optimist Singers @ our meeting
12/24 Optimist Singers @ B-Macs
12/30 our White Elephant Auction
84 Optimists & 4 guests attended our meeting: Mat-thew Voss guest of Juergen Voss; Jason Matthews guest of Joel Wihebrink; Doreen Fussle guest of Mar-tin Becker; Dean Zentz guest of Jim Walmer. Door Greeters: Steve Albertson & Dr. Steve Hollar. Prayer was offered by Merl Heckaman. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Birthday Honorees: Troy Tom. Mar-tin Becker led us with good results. Mystery Person Jennifer Dorman reported 10 people shook her hand.
Prayer List: Bill Hilliard is finished with his program. His voice may come back. Daniel Elliott’s follow-up consists of 3 shots of chemo a week until Oct 10.
Membership: Past Pres. Jeff Owens inducted Chuck Bingham & Troy Tom. Past Pres. Bob Jackson in-ducted Troy Akers & Steve Ferber. Dr. David Haines sponsored Chuck, Jeff Owens sponsored Troy Tom, Tracy Horrell sponsored Troy Akers, Bob Jackson sponsored Steve.
Luke Becknell & Joel Wihebrink are coordinating the $10 gifts for 180 Boys & Girls Club kids. Please wrap & label your gift with the sex, & age of the child & what the toy is. Drop them off at Today’s Headlines by Saturday, 12/19.
Merl Heckaman reminded us to ring the bell for Sal-vation Army Dec 19 at Wal-Mart.
Christmas Tree Sales: Past Pres. Jim Reeve re-ported we have 53 trees left. Contact Harry Gigous or Ot Schroeder to help clean up the lot. The time will be announced later.
Optimist Singers: Martin Becker said our Optimist Singers perform 12/18 at 10am at Health & Wellness, our meeting 12/23, & B-Macs 12/24 at 7am.
Trace Hansen invited us to an Optimist Skating So-cial Party, 12/20 from 6:30pm to 8:30, for Optimist’s families & grandkids. Bring a desert. Free drinks. Bouncehouse, skating, socializing, projector football.
New Fundraiser: Call John Elliott or Art Gakstatter to help with a car show fundraiser.
Santa House: Tammy Keirn reported over 125 kids have been through the house each of the last 2 weekends. Trina Hoy is heading it up this weekend.
Coach Kessler announced this year’s Terry Polston, Hoops for Hope raised around $2,000 for the Kosci-usko County Cancer Care Fund. Grace won!
Oratorical Contest: Jeff Owens thanked our spon-sors: John Elliott, Nick Deeter, & George Brennan. This year it is at Zimmer’s Headquarters on Feb 12.
Board Meeting: We are doing a new car show fund-raiser & we gave $500 to Baker Youth Clubs.
College Optimists: Calendars are $7 each.
Directories are here! Thanks to Dr. Jason Rich.
Stacey Cox saluted: Henry Church, who joined in 2007, & has 1 year perfect attendance, is our pro-gram chair, works our Triathlon water stations, & is a past chaplain. Henry was a missionary to Africa. Dr Steve Hollar, DDS, who joined in 1994, & has 15 years perfect attendance, has chaired Tri-Star & the run part of our Triathlon, & has been a VP, board member, & Sergeant-at-Arms. Steve is the youngest President of the Indiana Dental Board. Stacey needs stories on Mitch Goon & Chris Wiggins for next week.
Sherriff Bill Landrigan has gotten our attendance up over 80 several times!
Sergeant-at-Arms: Merl Heckaman, John Barrett, & Lyle Enyeart: Coach Jim Kessler won his 600th game, John Kidd invited us to the Sockmonkeys concert for Combined Community Service 12/19 from 7 to 10pm at the Elks. Cost is 4 cans of food. Dave Meier has gotten publicity for our events.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Col James Moeller – Air Force
Program: Dean Zentz VP of Operations at Danco ( Danco anodizes over 30,000 pieces at Warsaw. Most of their work is in orthope-dics. They do titanium & aluminum anodizing.
Next week: Our Optimist Singers