Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wednesday, December 10, 2014 

Upcoming Events:


12/17 Christmas Carols


12/31 White Elephant Auction




President Rick Kerlin led our meeting.


8 Optimists & several guests:


  • Todd Braddock was a guest this morning.
  • Dennis Williams-Guest of Ann Sweet.
  • Gregory Allen-Guest o Joe Wilkey.
  • Ivan Schuler-Guest of Bob Ibach.


Door Greeters:   Bart Templeton & George Brennan.


Prayer:  Kris Farwell.


Pledge was given to the American flag.


Promise yourself was said in unison.


Hail to Optimism was sung in unison. 

Birthday Honorees:  Jason Zaugg, Robert Bishop, Jonathan Harding, George Brennan, Chris Kehler and Larry Bishop.  Happy Birthday!


Check Presentation:

None this morning. 


Mike Cox conducted

  • Second reading for:
    • Tim Hammann-Sponsored by Andy Swihart.
  • New Member Induction conducted by Jeff Owens for:
    • David Robertson-Sponsored by Scott Reust.


Committee Reports:

  • The Santa House is up and running. Bring your kids to see Santa!
  • Christmas Tree sales reminder by Jeff Owens.
  • Club visitation update by Dr. Haines. 



50/50:  $87 collected, however, I missed who the winner was.  I apologize, congratulations to our winner! 


Video:  None. 

Sergeants-at-Arms:  Jeff Owens, Bob Jackson and Dr. Steven Hollar entertained us: 

  • 5 Things You Need To Know about….
    • David Robertson:
      • Real/Artificial                                     = Real.
      • White/Multicolored lights                         = Multicolored.
      • Christmas Carol/Christmas Vacation = Christmas Carol.
      • Turkey/Ham = Ham.
      • Spiked/Plain Egg Nog = ???. 
  • $1 Charge:
    • Every table except for Jenny Lucht and Jerry Titus’s table for not being able to do the splitz.
    • Jason Zaugg for being late to the meeting and missing his Happy Birthday song.
    • John Elliot for having his cell phone ring tone go off during the meeting.
    • Jenny Lucht for having a Viking horn ring tone on her cell phone.
    • David Robertson for his induction speech going over by 3 seconds.
    • Ann Sweet for Dennis Williams scoring a high of 26 points (and 1 technical foul) in a recent game.


  • Optimistic $1:
    • Joe Wilkey for his 5 generation family picture that was in the paper last week.
    • Marty Becker for his involvement with Phi Beta Mu Gamma Chapter.
    • Bill Katip for a soccer proud moment.
    • Fred Nieter shared a donkey/jeans joke.



Chad Zaucha from the Kosciusko County YMCA gave tours along with staff of the new facility.  Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to come and check it out Chad!  Great job!



  • Next week’s Program – Optimist Singers.
  • Clean up tables.
  • Invite a Guest.
  • Quote of the week: “The average pencil is seven inches long, with just a half-inch eraser in case you thought optimism was dead.” -Robert Brault.