Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Ring Bell and Call to Order 7:00 am
Invocation- Dave Turner
Pledge of Allegiance – Optimist Creed – Optimist song

Greeters- Charlie Wagner and David Haines
Charlie gave a brief intro, and Doc retold a classic story of how many hands can really screw something up

Guests- Trish Brown Nichols, Dave AllBritton.


Charlie Wagner-
Installation Banquet-At the Owls Nest in North Webster on Wednesday, September 28. Optimist-free and Guest would be $25.

Todd Davis-
Reminder of the Golf outing on September 20,2022 at Stonehenge Golf Club. There is still a need for teams. They have four corporate sponsors in order.

Ron Chambers-
Reminder on The Rochester Club visit. He will discuss it again next week.

Angie Tom-
Request for volunteers for the Gold Cup BMX Open at the Warsaw BMX Park this coming Saturday, August 6th.

Birthdays- Greg Velazquez (1 st ) and Jill Boggs, Neither were available and with no guests John Kirkpatrick lead us in singing Happy Birthday to “No One”

Membership- Paul / Tom – No new applications were presented.

50/50 No drwawing this week, EVERYONE Wins

Sergeants at Arms- Tony Ciriello, Trace Hansen, Everett Nifong.
Bill Landrigan was recognized for his heavy use of sunscreen, we all wish Bill the best, Tony fined himself for getting Bill started in the first place.

Trace used his fine of Chris Plack to talk about his own haircut (full head shave)

A variety of Happy Dollars were presented as well.

Our speaker, Jeremy Likens (TTFT) was introduced by Jim Smith.
Jeremy gave us a quick overview of the challenges and obstacles of providing emergency services to Tippecanoe Township. Starting with the decision to establish a territory at all, and whether the community would be open to additional taxes for the services. Jeremy discussed the choice of having an ambulance committed to the territory versus leaving it to private business to cover the needs of the region. Calls and response time was reviewed.

Next Week’s Program will be Jeff Rocket with Parkview Hospital

Quote for the day is… “to succeed in life, you need two things; ignorance and confidence”.

Attendance – 57