Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Upcoming Programs:
8/10-Scholastic Books and Services
8/17-Lakes & Streams/Dr. Nate Bosch
8/24-National Weather Service/Mike Lewis
8/31-Beloved, Not Forgotten/Dawnna Plummer
9/7-Polywood/Sharon Doan
9/14-WCHS Athletics/Dave Anson
9/21-Ghost Tours/Greg Steffe
President Elect, Tony Ciriello, called our meeting to order at @ 7:00am.
Invocation by: Dave Benning.
Greeters: Rob & Brenda Edling.
99 Members & Guests:
- Stu Wysong-guest of John Elliott.
- Guy Fisher, Kelly Friend and Mitchell Fianot-Program.
Birthdays: John Elliott and Anne Cuahuizo. Happy Birthday!
Membership: None today.
Program: Guy Fisher from Goodwill presented this morning. He spoke about the history and the updates with the company. Thank you for the information and for sharing!
Committee Reports/Announcements:
- District Meeting will be on Aug. 20th at Das Essenhaus. Please contact Michele Bickel if you are interested in attending.
- We need help with the Optimist Directory, please contact Jim Hayes if you can help. Also contact him if any of your contact information has changed.
- Luke Becknell passed the basket this week for Christmas in July to help those in need in our community, over $466 was raised. Thank you everyone!
- Annual Big Wheel Race sponsored by Penguin Point will be this Friday, come out and enjoy the fun!
- Optimist Directory is in the works, please contact Jason Rich regarding your contact information or advertising opportunities.
- Club Visitation will be Aug. 9th going to the Plymouth Optimist Club. Get in touch with Ron Chambers if you are interested in going.
- Randy Polston is looking for volunteers to help bring back “Back To The Days” the event will be held on Friday, September 30th at Harrison Elementary School. Contact him if you are interested.
- Barber Shop Quartet will be performing this Sunday at 3pm.
- Art made an announcement on behalf of Tracy Furnivall for Baker Youth Club, they are having their Car Show this Friday at First Friday Downtown Warsaw, please volunteer if you can.
50/50: Doc Haines is this weeks winner.
Sergeants-at-arms: Joel Wihebrink entertained us.
- Next Week: Scholastic Books and Services.
- Thank You Guests & Speaker.
- Clean your tables.
Quote: “We need to hand around people that pour water on the fires of our fears, and throw gasoline on the passions of our dreams.” -Unknown.
Thanks and have an Optimist Week!