Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Attendance: 96

Greeter: Rick Kerlin

Invocation: Dave Turner

Guests: Karleen Brennan guest of George Brennan; Matt Teevan guest of John Teevan; Roberta Tucker guest of Larry Tucker; Shari Benyousky guest of Travis McConnell

Membership Report: Rick Kerlin issued 1st reading for Matt Teevan

Inductions: None

Birthdays: Matt Ralstin and Scott Whitaker – Seargants lead the Happy Birthday song

Check Presentation: $500 to Girl Scouts of Northern Indiana accepted by Sandi Pontius. Funds will be used in Kosciusko County.

Sheriff’s Report: None

CEO Report: None

50/50 Raffle: $100 total with $50 to winner Gina Voelz

– Pam Galloway for 60th Birthday Bash – up to 187 signed up. Please get with her if you plan on attending. She needs accurate head count.
-Ot Schroeder is Chair of Octagon. Announced club advisers: Joel Wihebrink, Jerry Clevenger, Bob Jackson, Mitch Goon, Megan Farrer
-Rob Bishop, 2018-2019 Club President, announced need for volunteers to fill Secretary, Treasurer, Optibullette, and planning/running of the weekly PowerPoint as Jim is retiring from this volunteer position. 

Sergeants-at-Arms: Brooke Hamstra – Gina Voelz – Sam Whitaker – Jeff Owens

Presentation: “World Class Training – Ivy Tech” with Allyn Decker, Ph.D., Vice Chancellor and Tom Till, Director of Advanced Manufacturing

Next Week’s Presenter: Jeff Osterman presents “The Sweetwater Sound Story”
