Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Upcoming Events:


9/2-Orthoworx Diversity

9/9-WCHS Athletics/Dave Anson

9/16-Seasons HomeCare/Karen Kauffman




President Rick Kerlin led our meeting.

91 Optimists & guests:

  • Bill Crane-guest of Denny Andrews.

  • Missy Mitchel-guest of Tony Ciriello.

  • Megan Farwell-guest and wife of Kristin Farwell.

Door Greeters: None this morning.

Prayer: Ot Schroeder.

Pledge was given to the American flag.

Promise yourself was said in unison.

Hail to Optimism was sung in unison.

Birthday Honorees: Happy Birthday to Sam Whitaker, Dave Illingworth, Nick Deeter and Bill Crane!

Check Presentation: None today.

Committee Reports:

  • Gina Voelz announced tennative date for Art In The Park to be September 19th. She will have more information soon along with a sign up sheet for volunteers.

  • Safe Assured Day at the Lake-Sunday, August 30th and Family Safetey Day on September 12th. Volunteers needed, talk to Jay Tate if interested.

  • Trina Hoy will be taking pictures for the new Optimist Directory the next few weeks. Please get with her if you need a picture!

  • Jason Rich and Jim Hayes are updating the Optimist Directory so make sure your contact information is correct. Also inquire about ads if your company is interested.

  • Octagon club will have their first meeting on Friday, September 4th at 7am at Tiger Central.


Mike Cox conducted:

  • 2nd Reading:

    • Bill Crane-sponsored by Denny Andrews.

    • Missy Mitchel-sponsored by Dave Mitchel & Tony Ciriello.

CEO Report:

Jennifer Pyle announced-Luke Becknell.

Member since-1995.



Children-Brian & Craig.

Grandchildren-Noah and Owen (Brian).

Pets-1 dog, named Dog.

City of residence-Barbee Lake.

Occupation-Haircutter at Today’s Headline’s.

Hobbies-Running, cycling, and music.

Burning Desire-To visit many National Parks.

Key to Success-Enjoying every day as God’s gift and helping others do the same.

Honors-Still waiting.

Something nobody know-He played college football for……two weeks.

Favorite Optimist Memory-Signing Christmas Eve at Dig’s Dinner and waking up to Dave Haines from fainting. Thanks you Luke! We appreciate everything you do for the club!


  • The Fall New Member Orientation will be available for any member that has joined within the last 5 years to learn more about the club and what being an Optimist really means. The meeting will be held on Thursday, September 10th from 7-7:45am at CafeMod (by Carson’s). Talk to Ot Schroeder if you have any questions.

  • Indiana Bicentennial will be next year. They are looking for torch bearers to carry the torch. The person nominated should show public service, achievement, acts of herosim, and volunteer service within the community. Please let Rick Kerlin know if you have a nomination for this role. It would be great t have a Warsaw Breakfast Optimist involved for this!

Sheriff’s Report:

Bill gave a report and had some successful attendance today from their efforts.

50/50: Dr. David Haines was today’s winner of $47!

Videos: None.

Sergeants-at-Arms: Jeff and Steve entertained us:

  • $1 Fine:

    • Ot Schroeder for not inviting the sergeants to the New Member Orientation.

    • Jason Zaugg joined Steve Albertson and Patty Donkers Club for wearing a sling. He said he didn’t exit his mountain bike correctly.

    • Craig Nayrocker for wearing his Pamela Galloway corporate gear to the meeting.

  • 5 Questions:

    • Luke Becknell (Football)

  1. What college did you play at? Indiana University.

  2. High school/College/Pro = Pro.

  3. Offense/Defense = Offense.

  4. Favorite team = Colts.

  5. Favorit coach = Don Shula.

  • $Optimistic $1:

    • None today.


Kim Nance from Kosciusko Home Care and Hospice presented the program this morning. She gave us a lot of information about the company. They have 8 nurses, they were establised in 1976, they are a not for profit, they have been caring for our community for 39 years, they have more programs available than just hospice care and they have 55 employees. Thank you for sharing this morning Kim!

For more information contact:

Kosciusko Home Care and Hospice

1515 Provident Drive

Warsaw, IN 46580

(574) 372-3401


  • Invite a Guest.

  • Clean up tables.

Next Week’s Program: OrthoWorx/Diversity-Gennie Bressitte.

Next Week’s guests: WCHS Girls Soccer.

Quote: “When you have vision it affects your attitude. Your attitude is optimistic rather than pessimistic.” -Charles Swindoll.

Have a very Optimist Week!