Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Future Dates
9/12 Art in the Park
9/12 Safe Assured @ Owens
9/19 Safe Assured @ Center Lake
10/3 Our Awards Banq. @ CE Center
76 Optimists & 2 guests attended our meeting: Mary Ann Gradeless guest of Mary Ellen Jordan; Greg Ummel guest of Bill Landrigan. Door Greeters: Tracy Furnival & Max Mock. Prayer was offered by Max Mock. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Birthday Hon-orees: Sam Whitaker, Scott Whitaker, & Joe Thalle-mer. Martin Becker led us with good results.
Prayer List:
Bill Hilliard may get in a trial program in South Bend the end of August. It would be 3 days on & 3 weeks off. Daniel Elliott’s melanoma is localized. He had 32 lymph nodes removed. None of them had cancer. He is having some issues with muscle recovery. Dan will do chemo. Gene Groninger’s wife Maxine is in the hospital. They are waiting for test results.
Membership: Bart Templeton read Mary Ann Grade-less’ 2nd reading & Greg Ummel’s 3rd reading.
Dr. Jason Rich asked us to check our directory en-tries for out dated information. New members should have Trina Hoy take their picture. Check out your ad for changes.
Safe Assured ID: Trace Hansen reported 18 enrol-lees at the 8/7 Center Lake Carnival & Orthopediatrics enrolled 55 at the 8/22 St Jude’s day. A special Owens day on 9/12 & the Family Safety Day at Center Lake is 9/19. Lots of help is needed 9/19. There will be 3 machines. Please email Trace at to let him know you can help.
Art Gakstatter recognized those who worked the Cruisin Hoosiers Car Show at Petro’s GM on Aug 22. $9,000 was raised for the Boys & Girls Club.
Tammy Keirn reminded us today is the ―Day of Car-ing.‖ Also Housing Opportunities of Warsaw is raf-fling off a $215,000 house. Tickets are $100. Pro-ceeds will be used for housing repairs for local resi-dents. Go to
President Jim Reeve led a couple tables in our Hoo-tenanny ―Round Table Talk‖ Today is Frankenstein day & National Women’s Equality day.
President Jim Reeve announced our awards ban-quet will be at 6:30pm on Oct 3rd at the CE Center.
Tracy Horrell announced Art in the Park will be Sep-tember 12th from 10am to 1pm in Center Lake Park. Sign up sheets are going around.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Patty Donkers.
Bart Templeton sold a Sprinter.
Bob Jackson is happy that Grace is playing IU in Bloomington.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Rear Admiral Robert Burt (blood cancer – Chief of Navy Chaplains)
John Elliott introduced our speaker, Thomas Snyder, President of Ivy Tech Community College of Indi-ana. Prior to his present position he was the Presi-dent of Delco Remy International. Under his leader-ship Delco’s sales grew from $500 million to $1.3 bil-lion and employment went from 1,500 to 6,000. He graduated from Kettering University, formerly Gen-eral Motors Institute with a degree in mechanical en-gineering. His master’s is from IU. Thomas has four children and 10 grandchildren, some of whom attend Sacred Heart.
Ivy Tech is the nation’s largest single accredited statewide community college system with 23 cam-puses throughout Indiana. Ivy Tech is the largest training provider in Indiana, working directly with nearly 1,000 companies.
The Lumina Foundation for Education named Ivy Tech it’s first statewide Achieving the Dream school.
Ivy Tech’s main challenge is keeping up with the 30% annual growth rate they are experiencing. They are growing so fast the state budgeted for 46k full time equivalents but they have 56k as of now.