Wednesday, August 16, 2017

 Wednesday, August 16, 2017

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August 16, 2017 

Attendance: 91

Invocation: Dave Benning

Greeters: Frank Grose, Bill Katip

Guests: Tippecanoe Archery Club


Birthdays:  Joe Thallemer, Eric Lane, Brian Brauchla

Check Presentation: Tippecanoe Archery Club by Pam Galloway

Membership: No report

Program: Grace College by Bill Katip

Committee Reports/Announcements:

President Tony Ciriello announced awards from the Board Meeting to CASA,  Lilly Center for Lakes and Streams and Cardinal Services. He said we will hold off on Safe Assured for now. Bill Landrigan announced the Donut Dash 5K and Walk for Life, October 21, 10 a.m., K21 health Services Pavillion (

CEO Report: Jim Hayes by Travis McConnell

50/50: None

Sergeants-at-arms: Travis McConnell & Juergen Voss entertained us.


  1. Please remember to be polite while others are speaking.
  2. Check the Optimists Facebook page and share our events!
  3. Buy ads for the member directory.

Thank you and have an Optimist week!