Wednesday, August 23, 2017

 Wednesday, August 23, 2017

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August 23, 2017 

Attendance: 88


Greeters: Trace Hansen, Bruce Hansen 

Guests: Kelly Altruda, Laurie Schotz

Birthdays:  Joey Hickerson, Michelle Stavrow, Matt Dietz

Check Presentation: Cardinal Services for Healthy Families Program (Jeff Owens)

Membership: No report

Program:  Joe’s Kids

Committee Reports/Announcements: 1)Jennifer Dorman announced our club Secretary Michele Bickel received an award  for Zone 3 at the district convention, for her excellent recording skills. Jennifer also described the October 20 and 21 District Meeting which will be in Warsaw. She emphasized the importance of everyone attending because other clubs look up to us. She said: “We need to show how nuts we really are!” There will be a Hospitality Room Friday evening with free booze. The meeting Saturday will begin at 8 a.m.2) Ron Chambers announced club visitation, which will be to Middleburg on September 1, meet at the Bowling Alley at 5:50. The meeting will be at Das Essenhaus (yum!) 3) Rick Kerlin announced that the shirts are in, so if you didn’t get your shirt call him. 4) Gina Voelz announced Art in the Park, September 23 from 10 to 1, sign up to follow. 5) Trina Hoy said she will be taking pictures for the Directory for another week.

CEO Report: None

50/50: Dave Turner won! (Kris Farwell)

Sergeants-at-arms: Jim Smith & Juergen Voss entertained us. We heard from the business owners in the club.

Thank you and have an Optimist week!