Wednesday August 2, 2017

August 2, 2017 

Attendance: 98

Invocation: Pam Galloway

Greeters: Fred Nieter and Dave Taylor

Guests: Paula Deming (Mike Cusick), Kris Wilson (Mike Cusick), Ryan Connor, Nate Stone (Simon Stone), Tracy Fitzgerald (Jeff Owens), Isabelle Smith – daughter of Jim Smith, Katie Miller – daughter of Jeaneine Corson, London – grandson of Randy Polston, Scarlett – granddaughter of Brenda and Rob Edling

Birthdays: Jill Boggs and Matthew Townsend

Check Presentation: None


Joey Hickerson conducted:

1st Reading: None

2nd Reading: None

3rd Reading: Henry Church

Program: Congressman Jim Banks

Committee Reports/Announcements:

Dave Meier – Big Wheel Race for Kids is this Friday during First Friday.  We are excited to announce we have all new Big Wheels this year.  The race starts at 7pm. We are in need of volunteers for starters and catchers.

Dr. Jason Rich – Selling advertisements for the directory. Get with Jason if you are interested.

Trina Hoy – Taking pictures for the member directory this week and next week. New members need to get with Trina if you have not had your picture taken yet.

CEO Report: None

50/50: Dirk Somers – Congrats to one of our newest members! Optimism pays!

Sergeants-at-arms: Travis McConnell, Jim Smith  & Juergen Voss entertained


  1. Please remember to be polite while others are speaking.
  2. Check the Optimists Facebook page and share our events!
  3. Buy ads for the member directory.

Thank you and have an Optimist week!