Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Future Dates
8/22 Safe Assured @ Fairgrounds
8/22 Cruisin Hoosiers for Boys & Girls Club @ Petro’s GM
8/22 BYC Golf Outing
8/26 Thomas Snyder, Pres. of Ivy Tech
9/5 Art in the Park
10/3 Our Awards Banq. @ CE Center
72 Optimists & 2 guests attended our meeting: Mary Ann Gradeless guest of Mary Ellen Jordan; Greg Ummel guest of Bill Landrigan. Door Greeters: Andrew Swihart & Dr. Jason Rich. Prayer was of-fered by Don Kenipe. Pledge was given to the Ameri-can Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Birthday Honorees: Sam Whitaker. Martin Becker led us with good timing.
Prayer List:
Bill Hilliard may get in a trial program in South Bend the end of August. It would be 3 days on & 3 weeks off. Daniel Elliott’s melanoma is localized. He will have a lymph node removed 8/22 followed by chemo.
Membership: Bart Templeton read Mary Ann Grade-less’ 1st reading.
Dave Meier requested the Big Wheel Race volun-teers launder the shirts & return them to Dave or to Penguin Point.
Tracy Furnival reported there are 28 teams & plenty of hole sponsors for Baker Youth Club’s Golf Outing.
Dr. Jason Rich asked us to check our directory en-tries for out dated information. New members should have Trina Hoy take their picture. Check out your ad for changes.
Trace Hansen needs a couple volunteers for Safe As-sured ID on Aug 22 from noon to 4pm at the St. Jude Day at the Lake. Please email Trace at to let him know you can help. Shifts are from noon to 2pm and from 2pm to 4pm at the Fairground.
Art Gakstatter needs help at the Cruisin Hoosiers Car Show at Petro’s GM for the Boys and Girls Club on Aug 22. Please call Art at 265-1010 to volun-teer. Shifts are from 11:30am to 1:30pm; 1:30pm to 4pm; & 4pm to 6:30pm. Report to Art at the event.
President Jim Reeve led a couple tables in our Hoo-tenanny ―Round Table Talk‖ Today is Past Presi-dent Bill Clinton’s birthday. It is also potato day.
President Jim Reeve announced our awards ban-quet will be at 6:30pm on Oct 3rd at the CE National Center.
Tracy Horrell announced Art in the Park will be Sep-tember 5th from 10am to 1pm in Center Lake Park. Sign up sheets are going around.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Patty Donkers.
Jerry Clevenger is trying to install a larger sign at his business.
Art Gakstatter found out cars run on gas. In his de-fense he rescued your editor when I ran out of gas at a club meeting a couple months ago.
Ot Schroeder’s daughter Amanda was the Grand Champion Showman at the State Fair!
John Teevan’s students at Michigan City showed very positive attitudes in unpleasant circumstances with the lock down.
Trace Hansen had one of his skating teams place 1st and one placed 3rd at the Junior World Class Pairs Skating Championship! The 1st place team will com-pete in Germany at the World Competition.
Mary Ellen Jordan was impressed seeing 10,000 people at an event at the Elkhart Park she worked on. 5,000 backpacks of school supplies were being given away.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Major James Schaefer – Army – Chaplain
Our own Denny & Millie Andrews informed us about the exciting prospects for Alpaca farming. Al-pacas’ fiber is very soft. Because Alpacas are not being imported & can not be artificially inseminated each animal is valuable. The IRS has favorable tax treatment for Alpaca farmers.
Jerry Titus announced our future programs:
8/26 Thomas Snyder, president of Ivy Tech