Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Future Dates
8/17 Sat. Air Show
8/18 Sun. Lake City Skiers show
8/20 Tues. Lake City Skiers Learn-to-Ski Clinic
8/21 Wed. Lorinda Kline / WCS Professional Learning Community Coach
8/21 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Volleyball / Michael Howard
8/24 Sat. Cruisin Hoosiers Car Show for Baker Youth Club
8/24 Sat. Lake Area Community Band / Wawasee High School Auditorium
8/25 Sun. Lake City Skiers Learn-to-Ski Clinic
8/25 Sun. Lake City Skiers show
8/28 Wed. Shirley Fetrow / Family Safety Day
9/1 Sun. Lake City Skiers show
9/4 Wed. Greenways / Tim Dombrosky & Staci Young
9/11 Wed. Dave Anson / Athletic Director WCHS
9/11 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Boys & Girls Cross Country / Jim Mills & Scott Erba
9/18 Wed. Laurie Schotz / WCHS PAC
9/18 Wed. Boys Golf / Ben Barkey
9/23 Mon. Right to Life Banquet / Bill Landrigan
9/27 Fri. Oklahoma Sooner Marching Band at Warsaw Wawasee Football game at Warsaw
10/2 Wed. Amanda Lopez / Foster Parenting
10/9 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Student Council
10/9 Wed. Boys Soccer / Scott Bauer
10/16 Wed. Danielle Robertson / Wagon Wheel
10/23 Wed. Ben Barkey & Tom Ray / Washington STEM
10/23 Wed. Boys Tennis / Rick Orban
10/30 Wed. Eisenhower Robotics Club
11/1 Fri. Spooktakular
11/6 Wed. Optimist Singers Veterans Day
11/13 Wed. Girl Scouts / Leslie Augustyniak
11/20 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Symphony / Blue Apron dessert
11/27 Wed. Boy Scout Bake Sale
12/4 Wed. Brad Hagg / Warsaw Community High School CTO
12/11 Wed. Lakeland Youth Chorale
12/11 Wed. Girls Basketball / Michelle Harter
12/18 Wed. Optimist Singers Christmas Carols
12/25 Wed. No Meeting
1/1 Wed. White Elephant Auction
1/8 Wed. 100 Years of Winona Lake / Terry White
1/8 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Gymnastics & Wrestling / Andi Calhoun & Justin Smith
1/15/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Girls Swim & Dive / Nate Long
1/22/14 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Symphony
1/29/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Boys Swim & Dive / Nate Long
2/5/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Boys Basketball / Doug Ogle
3/12/14 Wed. Warsaw Schools Band
3/26/14 Wed. Warsaw Community Schools Chief Accountability Officer David Hoffert
9/10/14 Wed. Warsaw Community High School Athletics / Dave Anson
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
85 Optimists & 9 guests attended our meeting. Brenda Hiner was the guest of Jim Bricker; Nick King was the guest of Scott Whitaker; Dan & Carol King were the guests of Nick King; Matt Voss was the guest of Juergen Voss; Joe Wood was the guest of Fred Nieter; John Snyder was the guest of Doug Ogle; Olin Davidson & Cheyenne Nelson aka Patsy Cline were the guests of Laurie Schotz.
Door Greeters: Ot Schroeder.
Prayer: 4 O’Clock Shadow: Dan King, Luke Becknell, John Kirkpatrick, and Dr. David Haines, performed a musical prayer, “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow.”
Pledge was given to the American flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Martin Becker led us in singing Hail to Optimism.
Birthday Honorees: Dr. Steve Hollar, Mayor Joe Thallemer, and Jim Reeve aka Roy Rogers. Martin Becker & Patsy Cline led us in the birthday song with Happy Trails results.
Prayer Requests:
Richard Tuttle’s family at his passing.
Mary Ellen Jordan’s family at her passing.
Bob Sandy’s family at his passing.
Larry Bishop’s foot surgery tomorrow.
Membership: Past President Jeff Owens’ assistant Dr. Pam Galloway read Nicholas King’s application. Nick’s dad is our own Daniel King. Scott Whitaker sponsoredNick.
Sheriff & Deputy of Attendance Bill Landrigan & Harry Gigous welcomed Past President John Elliott, Trace Hansen, Yolanda Hedington, and Doug Jones.
We collected the last week and today for our scholarship fund in honor of William Bartol. The next 2 weeks we will collect in honor of Bob Sandy.
Art Gakstatter & President Tracy Furnivall need help with the Cruisin Hoosiers / Optimist Car Show on Saturday, August 24 for Baker Youth Club. It is at Warsaw Autoplex from noon to 6 p.m. Help is especially needed with parking for the spectators and at the gate. There will be a sign-up sheet next week.
Trina Hoy reported that our Spooktakular will be Friday, November 1 as part of First Friday.
Bart Templeton is looking for greeters.
Past Gov. Ron Donkers reported that Past Lt. Gov. Mary Ellen Jordan did the Triathlon Tee Shirt design this year. Trina Hoy volunteered to do the design this coming year.
Optimist Singer Director Martin Becker invited new singers to join our Optimist Singers. Practice starts at 6:01 a.m. Wednesday mornings.
Warsaw Community High School Girls Golf coach Chris LaLonde introduced us to Assistant Coach Ray Davis, Madison Graham, Page Desenberg, Kristen Watson,Lauren Shaffner, Morgen Fuentes, Elizabeth Meadows, Aarshia Jain, Alexis Manwaring, and Nichole LaLonde.
Matt Voss thanked us for supporting the Lake City Skiers & invited us to their Sunday, August 18 6 p.m. show; Tuesday, August 20 5 to 7 p.m. Learn-to-Ski Clinic; Sunday August 25 2 to 4 p.m. Learn-to-Ski Clinic; Sunday, August 25 6 p.m. show; and Sunday, September 1 6 p.m. show. Their events are at Hidden Lake. They placed 6th in the nation this year!
Director Martin Becker invited us to The Lake Area Community Band’s 25th Anniversary Concert Saturday, August 24 at 3 p.m. at Wawasee High School’s Auditorium. or check them on FaceBook.
Nick King invited us to the Air Show of Warsaw & EAA Fly-In on Saturday, August 17 at our Warsaw Municipal Airport. Events are from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. The air show is from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Patsy Cline aka Cheyenne Nelson accompanied by Olin Davidson sang “Come On In and Sit Right Down and Make Yourself at Home.” She was great. Patsy is singing in conjunction with Pierceton’s Heirloom Tomato Festival. She is performing Thursday through Saturday, August 15 to 17. For reservations call 260-479-9615.
Video Editor Jim Hayes showed us an interesting video of a Humvee with tires engineered to copy the plastic cylinder inside your adding machine paper.
Jim also showed us a video of a accurate gymnastic baseball pitcher.
Please pray for our Troops and Families: 2nd Lt Steve Slaughter – Air Force – KC135 pilot
Sergeants-at-Arms: John Elliott and Everett Nifong entertained us.
In the 50 years ago section of the paper we read that Past President Dr. Charles Hollar is at the Indiana School of Dentistry.
Past President Dr. Charles Hollar is proud of his granddaughter who is playing tennis for Grace.
Dr. Steve Hollar noticed that his daughter’s Grace Soccer game will be in California.
Ann Sweet is back from volunteering at Kobe Bryant’s camp for kids.
It was noted that Trina Hoy’s Thank You for the Chamber Golf Outing in the Times-Union was 386 of the 250 word limit.
It was noted that K21 Health Foundation led by Rich Haddad gave $100k to Fellowship Mission, who in turn used it on Ken Anderson’s prior building.
Trace Hansen was in the paper for the new floor at EastLake Skating Center.
George Paton won the best legs contest. His fellow contestants were: Ken Zortman, Jim Bricker, President Tracy Furnivall, Past President Jeff Owens, Doug Jones, Dave Turner, & Past Lt. Gov. Denny Andrews.
Speaking of how we dress. Alan Lucht’s son dresses for success.
Troy Akers’ spouse Tracey Akers was Warsaw Community Schools Special Services Employee of the Year.
Fred Nieter’s grandson, Tad Nieter, is stepping away from years with the Warsaw Boys Golf Team. He is a Washington STEM Academy teacher.
Dr. Pam Galloway, was presented with some NRA material. She sponsored the Wisconsin Concealed Carry law when she was a Wisconsin State Senator.
Ot Schroeder’s daughter Amanda is teaching Kindergarten at Leesburg.
Bill Landrigan invited us to the Right To Life of North Central Indiana’s banquet Monday, September 23. The speaker is Melissa Ohden. See Bill for details.
President Tracy Furnivall is celebrating Baker Youth Club’s 87th anniversary and is happy that the K21 Health Foundation led by Rich Haddad provided a new 66 passenger bus to BYC. The bus is already full of kids.
K21 Health Foundation President and CEO Rich Haddad told us of some of the differences between Community Foundations and Private Independent / Family Foundations. K21 Health Foundation is a private independent foundation. Kosciusko County Community Foundation is a community foundation or public charity. Both are great organizations that do important work in our community. However they have different roles.
Community Foundations
Public charity
Higher maximum deduction Lower maximum deduction
No taxes
Growing donors / new funds Permanent endowment
Flexible grant making
Community focused & Mission / passion focused carried out by board
Advisor fund implementation
Privacy & administrative delegation Public reporting & administrative responsibilities
Advisory influence &
Recommendations for grants
The K21 Health Foundation was started in 1967 as a non-profit to build KCH. In 1999 the board of KCH had a choice to take on a large amount of debt to be able to provide improved services to our community or to sell KCH to a company that would agree to spend the money needed to provide the improved services to our community. They sold KCH’s assets for $63 million & converted into a private foundation.
Over 13 years K21 Health Foundation has granted $25 million and has over $65 million invested. The idea is that the foundation will be ongoing. K21 Health Foundation itself invests its assets and gives money to organizations that work for its three-fold mission: provide healthcare services, advance prevention, advance healthy lifestyles. K21 Health Foundation has a staff of only 3 people and an active board, including Dr. Jenny Lucht, Dr. David Haines, and Max Mock. Many people confuse K21 Health Foundation with the organizations they fund, who actually are staffed to directly provide the help needed. K21 Health Foundation funded the K21 Health Services Pavilion which house’s 13 services. The Help Center at the Pavilion matches needs to programs that people may not know about.
Recent grants include:
$2 million to the YMCA toward their new building.
$100k+ to Jacob’s Ladder for equipment, start up, and operating expenses.
$100k matching grant to Fellowship Mission’s new building that is an improvement and advancement center for people without homes.
$200k to Winona Lake Limitless Park.
$250k Cap Grant for the Beaman Home’s new building.
Grant to Kosciusko Lakes and Streams to study e coli and blue green algae.
Grant to Baker Youth Clubs for their new 66 passenger bus.