Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Upcoming Events:


8/19-Sushi/Aung from Owen’s

8/26-Kosciusko Home Care & Hospice/Kim Nance


9/2-Orthoworx Diversity

9/9-WCHS Athletics/Dave Anson

9/16-Seasons HomeCare/Karen Kauffman




President Rick Kerlin led our meeting.

94 Optimists & guests:

  • Melody Anderson-guest and sister of Ken Anderson.
  • Naoma Clark-guest and sister of Ken Anderson.
  • Doug Blatz-guest of Rick Kerlin.
  • WCHS Boys Cross Country Team and coach Jim Mills.

Door Greeters:  Ron Chambers.

Prayer:  Fred Nieter.

Pledge was given to the American flag.  

Promise yourself was said in unison.

Hail to Optimism was sung in unison. 

Birthday Honorees:  Happy Birthday to Jim Reeve, Joe Thallemer, Eric Lane and Kyle Dukes!

Check Presentation:  Trace Hansen presented a check to Jim Mills for the WCHS Boys Cross Country Team in the amount of $400.

Committee Reports:

  • Trina Hoy will be taking pictures for the new Optimist Directory the next few weeks. Please get in touch with Jason Rich or Jim Hayes for your contact information and company ads in the Directory. 


None today.

CEO Report: 

Jennifer Pyle announced-Jerry Clevenger.

Member since-1979.



Children-Kady, Joe and Jon.

Grandchildren-Jack, Amelia, Josie, Emma, Walker and Nolan.

Pets-2 Labs, Hogan & Hunter.

City of residence-Winona Lake for 36 years.

Occupation-Risk Transfer business.

Hobbies-Golfing, biking, spectator sports and current events. 

Burning Desire-To play Augusta National Golf Course.

Key to Success-Not worry about what the “other guy” is doing.

Honors-To be a part of this community and our club.

Something nobody know-That he has never had a hole-in-one.  Actually everyone knows he’s never had one but they all act surprised when I tell them I haven’t.

Favorite Optimist Memory-Sitting at his family dining room and having his daughter ask if he thought the Optimist Club would help her start an Optimist club at the high school.  Thank you for sharing Jerry!  We appreciate everything you do for the club!


  • Indiana North District Convention was a great success. Thanks to all that helped volunteer, attend, and make it so wonderful this year!
  • 35th Annual Big Wheel Race was last Friday and we had 45 kids register. Thanks to all that helped volunteer.
  • Optimist Board meeting will be held next Monday, on August 17th at 5:30pm at the clubhouse.
  • Congratulations to Ron Donkers, the recipient of the Indiana North District Humanitarian Award! Well done and well deserved for ALL of your efforts Ron!
  • Remember the Warsaw Municipal Airport is having their Air Show of Warsaw this weekend, Friday 6-10pm, Saturday & Sunday Noon-4pm, commemorating the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII.

Sheriff’s Report:

Bill gave a report and had some successful attendance today from their efforts.

50/50:  Marty Becker was today’s winner of the $57 pot!

Videos:  None.   

Sergeants-at-Arms:  Jeff, Bob and Steve entertained us:

  • $1 Fine:
    • Mike Gavin for receiving 48 text messages within 5 minutes.
    • Several who ran Cross Country in high school or college.
    • Kevin Marose for being on page 3 of the Sheriff’s report on attendance.
    • David Meier for selecting Jeff Owens as a line judge at the Big Wheel Race last week.
    • Merl Heckaman for spending ½ hour with a nurse when he donated blood yesterday.
    • The back table, my table, for talking too much. I didn’t agree with this fine today!
    • Steve Albertson and Patti Donkers for having their arms in slings.
    • Bill Landrigan for going too long on the Sheriff’s report.
  • 5 Questions:
    • Don Kenipe (Pets)
  • Cat/Dog = Cat.
  • Scoop it/Leave it = Scoop it.
  • Favorite Breed = Alley cat.
  • Rescue/Pure Bred = Rescue.
  • Best buddy ever = Kenneth Buckhorn, who was killed in Korea.
  • $Optimistic $1:
    • Akash Jain and KT Kishan for all of those involved in going back to school.
    • Fred Nieter asked if anybody recalled what happened 70 years ago, Dr. Carla Carlton said Japan’s unconditional surrender ending WWII.
    • Brooke Hamstra is selling Rise n’ Roll donuts for her kids’ daycare fundraiser.


Darla McCammon of the Animal Welfare League presented this morning.  They strive to help pets and people and the youth in our community.  On average they assist in 80 adoptions a month.  They recently purchased a new facility and are trying to raise funds to help renovate the building.  They help find home and provide ER care for pets.  Thank you for sharing this morning Darla!

For more information contact:

Darla McCammon

3489 E 100 S

Pierceton, IN 46562

(574) 267-3008


  • Invite a Guest.
  • Clean up tables.

Next Week’s Program:  Sushi-Aung from Owens.

Quote:  “Optimist is a strategy for making a better future.  Because unless you believe that the future can be better, you are unlikely to step up and take responsibility for making it so.”  -Noam Chomsky.

Have a very Optimist Week!