Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Future Dates
8/22 BYC Golf Outing
8/26 Thomas Snyder, Pres. of Ivy Tech
9/5 Art in the Park
70 Optimists & 9 guests attended our meeting: Mary Ann Gradeless guest of Mary Ellen Jordan; Susan Hays guest of Jim Hayes; Greg Ummel guest of Bill Landrigan; Kent Adams guest of John Elliott; Kendra & Kristine Paton guests of George Paton; Chad, David, & Ryan Goon guests of Mitch Goon.
Door Greeters: Everett Nifong & Rich Haddad. Prayer was offered by John Sullivan.
Pledge was given to the American Flag.
Promise yourself was said in unison.
Birthday Honorees: Ed Nordstrom, John Elliott, Dr. Charles Hollar, Kevin Marose, Jim Reeve, Chad & Ryan Goon. Martin Becker led us with good results.
Prayer List:
Bill Hilliard may get in a trial program in South Bend the end of August. It would be 3 days on & 3 weeks off.
Daniel Elliott’s melanoma is localized. He will have a lymph node removed 8/22 followed by chemo.
President Jim Reeve presented Jane Greene with a check of $150 from the Noon Optimist Club for Cardi-nal Center’s Duck Race.
Dave Meier reported the Big Wheel Race was a big success even in the rain. Sixty kids participated. 14 Optimists volunteered. Coach Kessler emceed. We got on the front page of the 8/10 Times Union and were on the air on Oldies 98.3. Penguin Point do-nated the prizes. Volunteers, please launder the shirts and return them to Dave or to Penguin Point.
John Elliott invited us to golf or sponsor holes at the Baker Youth Club’s Golf Outing on August 22 at Rozella Ford. Gifts for goodie bags are also wel-come.
Dr. Jason Rich asked us to check our directory en-tries for out dated information. New members should have Trina Hoy take their picture. Check out your ad for changes.
President Jim Reeve led a couple tables in our Hoo-tenanny ―Round Table Talk‖
Tracy Horrell announced Art in the Park will be Sep-tember 5th from 10am to 1pm in Center Lake Park. Sign up sheets are going around.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Jeff Owens & Bill Landrigan filled in today.
Optibullette editor emeritus Wayne & Hyla Snider celebrated their 50th anniversary.
PowerPoint editor Jim & Susan Hayes celebrated their 20th anniversary.
Nancy & Luke Boston are welcoming their new son, Phillip.
Ot Schroeder relayed Al Meerzo’s kudos to Jim Jor-dan for being his neighbor’s keeper.
Mary Ellen Jordan was recognized for her Big Wheel coaching efforts.
The Big Wheel volunteers were recognized.
Bart Templeton had a happy dollar with the great news that Nissan is coming to Sorg.
Rocky Goshert was recognized for winning a golf tournament.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Major James Schaefer – Army – Chaplain
Dr. Craig Hintz, superintendent of Warsaw Com. Schools introduced himself to us. He has a collabo-rative style. Dr. Hintz was a past superintendent of Warren Township Schools in Indianapolis. He & Mrs. Hintz relocated to Minneapolis as Mrs. Hintz has been the superintendent of the Metro Minneapo-lis Schools. Dr. Hintz honors WCS’s focus on kids.
Dr. Hintz commended Della Swain & the transporta-tion department for an unprecedented 100% grade on an Indiana State Police inspection of the buses.
Jerry Titus announced our future programs:
8/26 Thomas Snyder, president of Ivy Tech