Wednesday August 10th, 2022

The bell was rung and the meeting was called to order at 7:00 am
Invocation- Ben Snyder
Pledge of Allegiance – Optimist Creed – Optimist song
Greeters- George Brennan and Marv Miller
Both long time members, joining in the early 90’s. George is Past President 2006/07, and Marvin is due.
Guests- Patrick Layne, Trish Brown Nichols, Chad Goon, Lilly Wadkins
Club visitation 8/15-Ron Chambers- Meet at Marsh Parking lot at 6 am to drive up to Rochester.
End of year Banquet – September 28, 2022 at the Owl’s Nest, Doors Open 5:30pm. (no morning meeting this day)
BBQ -Charlie Wagner –
Check presentation to Rob Parker-Kosc. County Chamber CEO- for “Spooktacular” event in October.
John Elliott (7 th ),
Brandon Stewart (7 th ),
Jason Matthews (7 th ),
Dr. Steve Hollar (11 th)
Membership- Paul / Tom- No updates.
50/50-Kris Farwell- Winner Charlie Wagner $85.
Sergeants at Arms
Our speaker, Jeff Rocket (Parkview) and Scott Gabrielle (Parkview) were introduced by Brad Voelz.
Details were shared on the new construction of the hospital. Covid delayed the started BUT helped shape the vision and revisions to what a good facility would look like. A walk through of the new building, and the remodel of the existing structure were shared. There remains, by plan, some space in each for future needs. OBGYN is a pressing need, but staffing remains the single most issue that needs resolved. Question and Answer session was spirited, while the #1 point of interest seemed to be the construction crane operator, his work day, and his need for exercise and relief at a high altitude.
Jeff and Scott did relate that the new building would be featuring photos of the community, as submitted by the community. Here is the link for photo submission for the Parkview Kosciusko project. The deadline for photo submissions is November 1, 2022. Photos should be submitted to
Next Week’s Program will be Brent Hope with the Bradley Hotel
Your positive quote for the day is short but powerful…“mindset is everything”
Meeting was Adjourned- Attendance was 67.