Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Upcoming Programs:
4/13-SORE/Tim Meyer
4/20-Historical Museum/Dan Coplen
4/27-A.C.T.S./Clark Shepherd
Call To Order @ 7:00am
Invocation by: Ron Henry.
Greeters: Trina Hoy & Sarah Masterson.
84 Members & Guests:
- Matt Voss-guest and son of Juergen Voss.
- Cindy & Bill Gatweood-guest and family of Mickey Smethers.
- Tressa Nichols-guest of Pam Galloway.
- Karleen Brennan-gest and wife of George Brennan.
- Greg Palmer-guest of Ann Sweet.
- Jim Wolbash and Todd Blanton-Program and guests of Jim Reeve.
- Patrick Haas-guest of Travis McConnell.
Birthdays: Don Kenipe, Jim Bricker, Trina Hoy and Sarah Masterson.
Pam Galloway conducted:
3rd Reading for-Patrick Haas who is sponsored by Travis McConnell.
John Sullivan inducted:
Jordan Foreman-who is sponsored by Sam Whitaker. Welcome to the club Jordan!
Committee Reports:
- Car Show-Jenny Lucht said they need door prizes and sponsors.
- Nominating/Election-Sam Whitaker announced elections will be next week on April 13th.
- Golf Outing-will be June 16th.
- Triathlon will be on June 25th.
- This week is Spring Break Skate-Trace Hansen.
District Meeting will be on April 22nd in downtown Marion. Contact Michele Bickel if interested in attending.
Ron Chambers announced a club visitation on April 15th in Middlebury.
Check Presentation:
Chad Zaucha presented a check to Matt Voss for Lake City Skiers in the amount of $500.
50/50: Denny Andrews won this morning.
Program: Jim Wolbash and Todd Blanton presented about the History of Scouting.
- Next Week: SCORE/Tim Meyer.
- Thank You Guests & Speaker.
- Clean your tables, have an optimistic week.
“Accept that you can’t control everything. The only thing you can control 100 percent of the time is your attitude. Be the most positive person and watch your fortunes change.” -Unknown.
Thanks and have an Optimist Spring Break Week!